* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 17. Not sure why I thought not drinking would solve all my problems . But I’m learning to be more grateful, feel what I feel , cope better , and talk to myself nicer. One day at a time .


Technically, things are looking the same.
But, by managing my thoughts, I can improve the way I feel about the circumstances.

Yesterday I went through the intake process at an IOP. Tomorrow will be my first day. I’m told this will help my case, but there’s no guarantees here, so I’m just gonna do it for myself. Hopefully I can come away better prepared to resist relapse.

I appreciate you checking in.
How are you doing atm?


Wise words mate. Glad you’re feeling more comfortable facing things. I dont know what IOP is but I hope it works out for you.

I’m fine thanks. Keep waking up with a sugar hangover because if I’m not drinking then I’m damn sure eating my bodyweight in sweets :rofl:


IOP stands for “Intensive Outpatient Program”.
Its a form of recovery that often comes after detox and rehab. In my case, it means 3 meetings a week, 3hours each, consisting of group therapy and individual therapy.

The sugar craving is a very real struggle.
If you find yourself eating a lot of sweets, try to drink more water at the same time.


IOP sounds quiet intense but I’ll bet you get loads from it :+1::+1: keep up that positivity sir, your an inspiration.


Yes, spending it on cool stuff that I’ve wanted!


Checking in
Day 8.
I been down here in Texas longer than I planned to but I couldn’t be happier. Legitimately living my best life right now.

I am also wishing you all nothing but strength and positivity.

To the few that have reset. I understand where you are coming from, I recently reset after 556days and as much as I wanted to beat myself up about it I knew it wouldn’t help one bit. Accountability and acceptance of oneself goes a long way. Please, stay strong. Reach out.

In case you haven’t heard it today


Look forward to seeing what you get :grin:

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number of the beast!


@Frantasticooo - I was also having a craptastic day, though in my head rather than in reality. Your lemons made me laugh.

@MrCade - SO PLEASED for you going for IOP. I hope it is a positive experience and that it helps with proceedings.

My day 347. All day today I felt weepy and tearful about the altercation at the gig last night, as it stirred up lots of old feelings that connect to my PTSD meltdown this time last year. I didn’t really have the time or space to feel my feelings because I had a work presentation, so needed to get it together. Now going to meet some badass sober ladies to drown our sorrows in delicious Thai food before going to a meeting to celebrate a dear friend’s one year. Thanks all, for the support. :bird:


Glad it helped in some small way. That dude at the gig sounds like a loser, who doesnt deserve anymore of your beautiful energy. Have a great time with your sober friends, and kick some ass at your work presentation :hugs::kissing_heart:


Such an amazing photo! Great stuff!

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Thanks @Frantasticooo
I promise to share whatever I learn from it.

@aircircle aaaw man. I’m sending you a big, crushing bear hug. I’m sorry you had to go through that, at what should have been a fun time. Isn’t it funny, how we’re able to “table” our trauma, for days at a time? It’s like when my laptop wants me to update something; I’m always like, “remind me tomorrow” bye Felicia.

I’m so grateful you have those badass sober ladies to rabble round with. Hopefully this IOP helps me expand my sober friends list. :pray:


Day 23. At the gym reading TS on the recumbent bike. Had a drinking dream last night. Felt so disappointed and lost in the dream. Loved the feeling of relief this morning when I realized it was all a dream. Feeling solid today. Wishing the same for all of you.


Hey guys,

I’m checking in on beautiful day 189.

Yes, I’m still guilty of craving and fantasizing today, mostly this morning, and I’ve come back to clarity each time. Logging in TS helps a lot.

Looking forward to my CR meeting tonight.

Happy sober Tuesday everyone!


OMG YOU GUYS I need your help!

My Uber driver’s name is Dong.

Yes or no :
Am I allowed to say “Doooong, where is my automobile?” and if so, when?


Well hello neighbor! I’m feeling a bit more optimistic as the day goes on, thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you! That’s one thing I know for sure, I’ll never give up trying. I’m surprised I lived through the last few. Hopefully never again.


Totally appropriate!

I am so bad at accessing my own feelings. I can feel other people deeply, but not myself. I felt it happening. That “why can’t I be normal”.
Dating triggers me, so I put that away for now. Kinda blew it with the guy I was dating when drunk. All I remember is him hanging up on me, but I don’t know why. I’m always blacked out. I basically drunk dial people and Instacart booze and more booze. I was going to have them deliver this morning, but came to my senses last night while still drunk. Go figure.

I don’t even know how much I drank, but I depleted one store’s inventory and had to switch. I hide bottles everywhere, so I’ll be finding them for weeks or months. I never know.

My job is stressing me out. It’s such a heartbreaking business. I changed careers before my husband and I split up thinking I would always have the cushion of his salary. I was always the bread winner, but this career can take years to make steady money (Commercial Real Estate)
I had a big deal last week, and it was a lot of pressure, so I’m sure that played into it.