6 days man, that’s so fucking amazing! Congratulations man. I was just there and wanted to help. YOU put all the work in reaching out, detoxing, battling the physical and mental pain. I’m proud of you man.
Thank you. One of the best things I have ever woken up to reading. Knowing I’m not destroying myself and others lives in my addiction and actually helping and being of service in my recovery.
Your a testimony to what this program can do man. I know some people get turned off by the simple response, “try a meeting” but it’s true. Congratulations man. 35 years. Happy birthday!!!
That’s a major step man. Lol idk how many times I got sober only really being broke waiting for payday. That’s awesome man. Major hurdle avoided and pretty nice having the extra cash too!
I’m fighting, because I dream of beautiful men and romance, which I have been missing for a very long time and its make me sad every morning. What to do?I do not want to wake up, because it is better to sleep
Day 279. Had a weird moment today. Walked past a cannabis store (right next to the grocery store, how convenient ) and the voice said “go in and get something.” I just kept walking on past, without giving it a second thought.
This is the weird part, though. I’ve only had two experiences with cannabis, both of them terrible. I’ve had the option countless times before and since. I just have never been interested. Why then, did this thought pop up today?
It’s not hard to figure out. Because I spent years finding ways to feel different whenever I didn’t want to deal with the discomfort of real life anymore. I’d avoid my problems and feelings with alcohol and self harm, instead of addressing them.
Thoughts of seeking escape from the world are going to invade from time to time, even though I’ve been sober for a bit. Thankfully they are rare, and they do not “make” me pick up, because I have a say, and my say is “Well, that sounds like a terrible idea. Bye.” And that’s the end of that.
Good work James.
As I was reading I was thinking oh yeah it legal there. Then thought, that’s got to be hard, I mean hell, especially if it’s next to the grocery store.
Well done for telling the moment to do one!
James, congratulations on (can’t believe I’m saying this)… 35 YEARS!!! Your success is a testament to everyone on this app (whether they’ve been sober for 1 day, 1 month or 1 year) that PERMANENT SOBRIETY is possible and an achievable goal to shoot for.
I personally am looking forward to September 6, 2053, when I will be the ripe old age of 88 years old… that’s when I will be celebrating my 35 years of sobriety (achieved 1 day at a time)!