* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Thanks. The cannabis I just look at the same way as alcohol. There’s wine in the grocery store, and I don’t even notice. Same with the cannabis store next to it, and same with the liquor store next to the other grocery store I visit. 99.9% of the time instead of seeing a temptation, I just see an irrelevance. That’s how I know that becoming someone who doesn’t want to drink is better than just stopping the drink! :slight_smile:

And when the thought does pop up, like today, I’m thankful that it’s not hard like it was in the beginning, because now generally, as soon as I remember I don’t want it, the thought goes away.


322 days sober. It still sounds foriegn when I say it out loud, three hundred and twenty two days. I never dreamed of being here until the day I decided to. And I wasn’t alone, everyone here cheered me on and helped me along the way, for that I am grateful. Also, it’s 7:25 PM and still no baby, but they will break the water here shortly so it should catapult Tina into labor.

Stay beautiful gang!


Checking into day 14. It was my first day back into the gym for a while. Only did some cardio on the treadmill and bike machine but got in about 4 miles on the bike and 2 miles on the treadmill. Ate extremely healthy as well. I made a weight goal of 135 lbs (currently at 171). I intend to follow through on my commitments. Stay sober everyone and keep as positive as possible. Mindset is everything!


Thank you everyone for the kind words and support I could not have done this by myself. Meetings are the foundation to my success in recovery.


Thank you so much bill :hugs: what is odaat?

Nice chip. Glad to hear that about meetings, cause i think likewise with my short time of sobriety. Couldnt do without AA


One Day At A Time


Day 80. Feeling good, have been in lots of triggering situations lately, including yesterday when I popped round my brothers on the off chance after work, he was there with one of my old friends watching a movie, drinking and doing cocaine.

I stayed an hour or so, had only some mild temptation and left happy.


Cheching in on day 42. Have a beautiful Sunday beautiful people :kissing_heart:


Hey! Still kicking it, and still trying to become sober. I am doing lots of reading on the forums, and getting good tips and advice. Keep on keeping on!


Well done James and I like you’re say! :star_struck:

Jee :frowning: @Dejavu that’s a long ride for your lady :astonished: Hope breaking her water will speed it up. Lighting my candle again! :heart:

Congratulations @Desire2ChangeToday for your 2 weeks sober :tada:

Nice seeing you again @Swim_Track_18! 🙋


Day 7 sober. Still walking. It is a gift for my recovery


Goodmorning Thomas!
Nice new profile pic by the way.


Day 328 :coffee:
A week to go and then I have 11 months in my pocket. Moving forward to the 1 year mark!
Exited to be were I am now.
Was sober for 5 years and then relapsed. Drank a period of 1,5 year and quit. Relapsed after a few weeks but got right back on the horse.
And look were I’m today: day 328 :grin:
One day at a time, every day of it!
GO GET IT! :facepunch:


Day 65. Having coffee on the morning after the festival. It’s amazing how fresh I look (and feel) compared to 99% of the folks here. As well as how I felt and looked on previous occasions. Have a great sober day or night all!


Goedemorgen! Dat ziet er gezellig uit zo! Fijne laatste dag op het festival!

1 Like

Checking in for day 13 :wave:


Day 169. Ive not been checking in recently (not sure why). Things are good and ive been trying to focus on life improvements outside of sobriety. New routine is going well, early mornings, plenty of exercise. Its not been easy and I still have a lot to learn about what is right for me. I do know for sure that non of this would be possible if I were still drinking, and Im grateful for that.

I hope you are all doing brilliantly, and for those that have celebrated milestones that I have missed, congratulations!!

Have a great day folks :+1:


Day 10… Officially double digits.
Also officially starting to feel the numb bits coming back.
Cannot get to sleep at night or lay in in the mornings. And all the root causes of my using are starting to come up from the depths of me.

Hope other people are feeling better

Love :heart:


35 days without alcohol, 35 days waking up with clear mind, 35 days without beening ashamed of myself beeing drunk, 35 days of hope, 35 days since I took a step forward. Best 35 days since last 2 years. :hugs::hugs::hugs: