* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

It’s day 7 for me. I feel tired and a little drained but sober and plan to stay that way. Normally I would spend the beginning of my days making arrangements to get my DOC but lately my mornings have been spent being sober and productive. The anxiety of trying to find pills has sort of disappeared and that’s huge. I use being tired and having low energy as an excuse to NEED a pick me up but no more!!! Feeling hopeful and positive :grinning: Have a fabulous Sunday everyone!!!


I love your post @SoberWalker. Truly inspiring and from the kind of never ever give up. You got this :clap:


Day 215. One of the best feelings I get from sobriety is that boost of confidence I get the day after facing a challenge sober and dealing with it in a healthful way. These challenges will only make us stronger. Sending love for a happy Sunday. :tulip:


Hi sober peeps!

Day 163
The dog peed on the new sofa.
Cool thing about sobriety:
The little things are actually little things again.

Have a lovely Sunday!


Wow… @Chance You’re inspirational!


Day 80 and the cravings are real today :confused::pleading_face: heading up to the lake for a walk in the rain to clear the cobwebs in my head.


Day 27.
So far I’ve been super lazy this weekend :smile:. Grateful to wake up without a hangover,Meeting up with my Sponser today for some step work. Been going to a lot of meetings,Trying to get in the middle of recovery .Thanks for all the support!!



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Hang in there, Fran. A long walk sounds like a great idea, always helpful for clearing the mind. Of course, you can always turn to us if needed as well :blush: any reason you are craving?


You get this girl ,:muscle:im with you :heart:


Sending you hugs today. :tulip:

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Checking in.
Day: 63.

I’m sorry if I’m annoying all.

Checking in not only makes me feel accountable for my sobriety, the support from everyone is valued and appreciated beyond words.

Thank you everyone for your wisdom and helpful responses.

Nothing to exciting on the agenda for today. Putzing around the house, going uptown, and quality time with the little man.

Grateful to be sober and able to enjoy the little things. :heart_eyes:


We all love following your progress Amanda. You are doing sooo well!!! Checking in each day helps me too. Keep up the great work. :heart:


Thank you so much @Rose14.

I was feeling as if I may be an annoyance. Just my insecurities. Working on this negative trait as well.

hugs Hope you have a wonderful day!


Day 165. Gotta love the view from outside my cottage door-my two favorite things :heart::two_hearts: this weather has been beautiful, mid 70’s. You can feel a faint tint of fall in the air…getting school work done and planning some more of my Europe trip. I can’t believe I leave in less than a month if any of my fellow European travelers have any great restaurant recommendations for Capri, amalfi coast, Rome, Florence or Venice send them my way!!! :tada::heart::blush:


14 days.

Feeling a little raw today. I had a shouting match with my dad yesterday morning. I’ve finally had it with his judgement and criticism and his inability to be supportive in a sincere way. I do acknowledge that it happened in anger but I don’t really feel wrong either. The thought of making amends makes me feel like he isn’t deserving of it. Or maybe I’d apologize for my anger but I definitely don’t feel sorry or wrong for the things I said.

It’s to the point that I’m contemplating complete severance of ties. Which is weird because my parents live like 5 miles away. It feels like the toxicity is just not something that I want to subject my family or myself to. It’s been simmering for a couple of years now and I see that he’s not gonna change. When I see the way people in my age group who have parents that engage with their grandkids and genuinely want to spend time with them I feel so much resentment to my dad because of the way he begrudgingly agrees and is grumpy and lays on the guilt for interrupting his retirement. On top of that when I ask to use his tools or equipment to improve my situation I have been essentially been described as a fuck up who can’t be trusted with his valuable things. I have to work up the courage to even ask for his help because I know the way he’s going to react. And I hope that this time he might be eager to see his grandson or to help me with a project. Instead I feel left out in the cold because he doesn’t agree with my lifestyle.

Just a vent session. Thanks for reading.


Hey Mitch…
Sounds like your dad is shooting himself in the foot to prove whatever point about your life he feels the misguided need to make.
He’s missing out on so much, being with and helping his son, and not relishing the chance to get to be with his grandson as much as possible.


This thread is for checking in and keeping ourselves accountable. And being seen. It helps me to see other people working their sobreities each and every day. Thanks for being here @Amanda.0617
Walking helps. It hope you had a good walk and the cobwebs in your head have blown away @Frantasticooo. You don’t want (or need) to cave to the crave. And you know or you wouldn’t be here. let’s stay sober just for today. Hugs.


Thanks Cheryl. I feel the same. I think I know what he disagrees with. I believe it to be racism regarding my mixed family. Though he would never admit it. It’s been tiptoed around on enough occasions to be evident. I guess I wanted to believe my parents could grow and learn but I certainly can’t force it. Just disappointed and sick and tired of this dynamic where I have some strange internal obligation to honor my parents even though they give this extra effort to highlight the ways I’m not living up to their expectations on every possible occasion.

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Hiya Mitch,

I hope you feel a little better after venting. I completely feel your situation with your Dad.

After my Mum left my Dad for his drinking which went on for over 10 years, it definitely sent me into a downward spiral. I was 16ish, in higher education, not really sure where I wanted to go in life and it definitely hit me hard. Dad became like a close friend and reverted back to his youth. When I hit 18, we would drink together at weekends, he was the first person to ever give me MDMA and being young and impressionable without the real tools to cope in life, this seemed like an acceptable way of going about things.

As time went on, Dad remarried and settled down and ‘adulted’ again and I stayed on a pretty reckless path which ultimately led to my hard alcohol and drug addiction and for years I was so confused because he judged and criticised me so often for drinking and taking drugs. It was always so hypocritical and it soured our relationship.

It was only recently that Dad took responsibility for his part in my near decline as a young impressionable kid close to breaking point but at the same time, I had to accept the reasons why I had been so relentlessly terrible in my addictions and why I let that escalate so badly.

The thing that’s sad is his peripheral behaviour doesnt change. He still acts like a victim when he doesnt get his way and when he needs a favour, he acts like it’s a favour owed. I always felt like he was trying to have an upper hand which to an extent he was.

Recently, he needed something from me and the inner child in me just felt so validated and achieved because I had finally proven that all these things he said about me for so long weren’t so now and while our relationship still is a bit odd and it’s never going to be as strong as it was, theres an understanding between us that’s almost unspoken and it’s the best I’m going to get.

I really hope you and your Dad find a way to take on the issue in front of you because it’s definitely not a good nagging resentment to hold on to I’m sure.