* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Finally!!! :grin:
Congratulations Dan and Tina!! :tada:

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Checking in for day 14!
2 weeks!
I can’t believe it!


Congratulations @rabbit, @Joyce19 and @Mooije with your milestones!! :tada:


Day 66. Back to the daily grind. Could’ve done with some more sleep. Happy to be sober. Have a good sober day or night all. Love from Amsterdam.


Day 329 :coffee:
It was a hard day yesterday but I’ll managed trough it sober. A bit tired though and a busy day ahead. This day will fly by I guess!
Have a great sober day friends, I’m aiming for that one too 🙋


Checking in on day 43. In a few hours my little family and I will land in Portugal. Excited and cautious :portugal:


That’s the best thing to do. Right now I’ll try and throw a piece of help out if I can but truthfully sometimes the best medicine for these threads that are possibly not seeking help to just let it go and not respond. If they don’t get bait they can’t keep fishing. It seemed in that thread that it just continued to escalate after the one major post. Imo it could have just been shut down if people let it go. If he isn’t accepting the advice, why exhaust yourself eventually getting upset and taking it personal. Be the bigger person especially with someone new in recovery possibly not even wanting it!


Ooh I love this. I have wanted to do some journalling for a while but always run out of steam knowing what to write. That looks like a good place to start!

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Day 8 sober. Thank you @SoberWalker !
I am still walking although yesterday I had temptations


Thomas, I may have missed it so I apologise if you have told us but what pilgrimage are you walking?

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Checking in at Day 11! I am happy to not be the majority of my friends who are waking up at boomtown festival feeling like death warmed up!
Bad to laugh, but i need to remind myself of the good things about being sober…



Yeah, right. I generally actively ignore it when you decide to go on a self righteous rampage when you dont like something I’ve said. But seeing as you’ve made quite the effort in trying to point it out, I’ll guess I can respond accoreingly. And it seems I’m a pretty good spokesman for saying what people are thinking but dont want to say…so here goes

Either no-one cares what you think or no-one else agrees. Does the fact that NOONE has responded to your opinion in the same way not show that? You have a bruised ego and your continued efforts at trying to call me out will continue to crash and burn. So by all means, please- keep trying to make me look like an ass. If anything it gives me a good giggle :slight_smile:

With regards to the post in question, I invite EVERYONE to read it. I’m sticking to what I said with absolute conviction and I will not be deleting it. :slight_smile:

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Day 463.

Got some good news today which means a change is on the cards. Feeling pretty nervous about the transition but I am also excited.

I’m off work at the moment and at one time, the combination of having something to celebrate and a bit of anxiety would have been a good reason to drink. Today I see it as a great reason to be sober - being able to deal with the discomfort and take on a new opportunity.

Sending positive vibes out to everyone today and would welcome any that come back my way too! :pray::sparkling_heart:



Josh I truly wish you the best in your recovery. If you feel this is about anything other than your post, your wrong. I’m sorry to tell you the past is the past and the past bruised ego I ever had is truly dead and gone. I am not hear to belittle or tear apart anyone, that’s what I used to do. I truly don’t care if my opinion is what the masses reflect. My opinion of your post was you had a moment of weakness and it showed. Whether you feel bc it’s supported that validates it, again I don’t care. I personally would rather stand alone doing the right thing than appear to be popularly supported as the bully being wrong.


Day 21. Three weeks :slight_smile:


Day 520.

I haven’t been on to read much of anything lately except news of @Dejavu’s gorgeous new arrival Penny Layne! :heart_eyes:

I hit 17 months a few days ago and I’m out actually living life much more now thanks to advice from my therapist. I’m making time to play and socialize in real life instead of staying on my phone all the time or taking care of others responsibilities in what free time I do have. Those days are over! It offers a whole lot of healing and expansion right now… I really needed that. I was feeling stagnant and stuck on what I don’t have for a bit so I’ve been doing work on letting things go and appreciating all that I do have as well as how far I have come. Hell of a long way really! It’s also super nice to have people back, especially my closest friends and family. I have isolated a lot and spent most all of my time with those I adore here in the last 17 months but it’s time to spread my sober wings and fly a little IRL. :heart: I’ll still be around a bit but not nearly like I was. My ex’s big move is approaching soon and once the dismantling is complete, I’ve got a kick ass new life to get after and build! :heart: Much love TS!


Take care Mandi.

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Day 170. Too much douchebaggery here for me right now.


Day 164

Got to babysit my granddaughter last night. She is the most adorable human on the planet.

My youngest kid starts the first day of her Sr. year in high school in 45 minutes. Another very adorable human being.
Well…until I go wake her up in a minute.

Happy Monday, y’all!