* Checking in daily to help maintain focus



Day 13 is almost over. Still going strong. One day at a time.


Night time check in (out). Day 7. I just did my first recovery meeting. I’m SO, SO very proud of myself. It was nowhere near as informative as you lovely bunch, but it has given me some local accountability and 7 day goal setting.

I just want to say THANK YOU to every single person who has ever typed ‘have you tried a meeting?’ on this forum. Because finally I have.

Yours in gratitude x


85 days clean and free!


Day 216. I will never take my sobriety for granted, not one single day. :tulip:

  1. Good morning! Our days are finite on this earth. Make today the best it can be. We cant control many things but we do control our attitude.

Day 429

I feel a need today to try to be more compassionate, positive, and embrace other people a little more. I feel as though my default is to keep people out, keep people at a distance. I do think I’m pretty considerate, but I think that I can still do better, be better. I can be a better son, a better boyfriend, a better friend to myself and others. This is not just an external thing, I need to learn to be nicer and more forgiving to myself…because really, I’m not.
I long for deep connections with people, but I need to befriend myself first and stop viewing the world as my adversary if I’m going to find those connections and keep the ones I have.

What I am trying to keep in mind is: we are all just people doing our best to get by. Everyone has dreams, hopes, fears, troubles – often times we share some of the same ones. The world is a rough enough place, and no one is perfect. So, be a little kinder, a little gentler, and have a laugh sometimes.


Excellent insight Tristan, super proud of you my friend. :heart:

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Awesome, that’s great man! Lucky 13 is in the books. Keep after it!!!

Probably time to go “Full Power”!

Day 10 I’m still in alot of pain from my wreck and on meds but so happy to reach double digits! :grin:


To any of the female posters on the forum who maybe battling reproductive diseases like endometriosis (as I am), I have definitely hit a mile stone I’d like to briefly share. I’ve been dealing with severe endometriosis for a long time now and even lost an ovary and fallopian tube due to it! It’s day 16 for me alcohol free and about 1.5 weeks in plant based dieting. I’m only drinking water and tea for my liquids and for the 1st time in these 5 or 6 years I’m not bleeding in between my periods!!! This is HUGE for me, I wanna cry. I didn’t want to speak too soon but it’s been about 5 days and no copper colored discharge, bloodclots, and cramping in between cycles. Sorry if this is gross to the male followers but I’m just trying help any ladies on the forum battling with endometriosis, PCOS or anything of the sort. I think alcohol was definitely worsening my condition. This solidifies my will to remain sober.


Always Full Power :sunglasses:


Checking in day 282…just grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to do this and start over, it does take work and willpower but it’s so rewarding,what started out as last ditch attempt to sort myself out has evolved into a quest to be a better person, and for anyone who is at the beginning …keep with it ,1 day at a time :grin: .everything starts here and I cant wait to celebrate my 1st birthday on nov 2nd …big love to all of you


Check up on my day 36. Have a good day all.


@anon30771928 im not really good on giving advice but sending a hug across to u. And when i see my therapist I always feel at least 80% better. Its so inspiring to see how many days uve got. Girl u r doing awesome. :blossom:


Hi everyone,
Just doing a quick check in before I go to work and I’m still working my program and I am blessed with 223 days clean and sober. I hope everyone has a blessed day and night



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Hell yes man. Happy to see you doing your thing!

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Nice to see you :blush: