* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Hugs to you. :heart:

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That’s sweet! Thank you :heart:

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Awww bless you, does sound like a tough day. Be kind to yourself and rest up. Hugs :hugs:
Thank you, yes fresh air and exercise are two of my favourite things. Xx

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Day 380. Feeling overwhelmed when I look ahead. Time to get back to today.

“The greatest gift we have is the 24 hours directly in front of us.”


Checking in!!!

Have a strong day!!!


Good to see you my man!

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I as an addict loved to complicate my life. Thinking past today and to what is to come. Focusing on today seriously is such a blessing and takes so many worries out of my life. Happy to see you simplifying life! Imo it’s best lived that way!


Day 323. Experiencing the birth of your child sober is probably the most amazing thing ever! I am sooo glad I am sober right now. What else can I say?


Congrats Dan!!! :baby::baby_bottle:

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Congratulations man!

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Dan the man! Sounds like the family is happy, healthy and a little bigger today. Congratulations, big daddy! :heart: :+1:


Checking into day 15. Very productive work morning. I’m a real estate agent niching in rental apartments. I’ve done 5 tours so far this sunday. About to go chug some lemon water and watch a movie on prime. Sobriety wakes me up early and I love the feeling of getting up hangover free ready to get shit done.


Quick check in day 7. Off for an early morning walk in the dawnish light - I walk fast because my dog is tiny :blush:


Congratulations! I hope everything is ok! Enjoy this very special time and all the best wishes

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Day 403.

Goodnight fellow warriors, for tomorrow we fight another day :facepunch::pray::heart:


Day 126. Bout to go on holiday here. Feeling aight. Peace, love, and power to all you beautiful souls!!!


Checking in.

I’m a disappointed in some of the people on this app right now. The thread “ I need your support and advice to get through this”. The post blasting that guy about his smoking is ridiculous. Whether or not it was the correct opinion it’s not the point. The manner and perception and tone of the message was completely disrespectful. The correct response was how Dan handled it, the one responded to in the first place by that guy. He didn’t want the help that’s fine, Dan was respectful and let it go. But someone else wants to berate him and belittle him, ambulance chasing when there is no need to. Then a collective wants to support it, you should be ashamed. You just did the complete opposite of what recovery is about no matter how you feel about it. How many of us had initial thoughts we could moderate our using, thought it wasn’t a problem and rejected everyone’s idea for advice when we asked for help… I bring this up bc most of you have serious clean time. The guys life is being effected. Whether or not he’s ready to change is on him. It’s on us as fellow addicts in recovery to be supportive and positive even when the person is being combative and negative. Do you seriously not remember getting clean when you weren’t ready? Are you that high n mighty that you potentially made someone go on a course or path that could be detrimental for his life bc you wanted to get defensive when you know better. I don’t care what happens to this post but it should be known that with clean time comes a certain responsibility to the newcomer that requires a different perspective and understanding and right then and there by many people in recovery with clean time was a massive failure.


Checking in day 21 :slightly_smiling_face:


Stay strong. Cravings always pass and we get stronger each time.

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Day 81, feeling pretty settled.