* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 14. A couple of friends came over last evening. No-one mentioned alcohol, and everything was okay. We just talked. After a while they left. I am guessing they went out to drink. I wasn’t invited. I guess I have some good friends left. Went to the gym today morning. I feel great after a workout. Why didn’t I do this earlier? I am writing down the list of things I need to do. The list is so long, but someone I just don’t feel motivated enough. Need some inspiration.


I focus on a few main things daily with longer term goals. The things in my daily list such as gym, reading etc, are things which are definitely helpful but I dont put myself under any pressure to complete them. If I do great, if not, theres tomorrow.


Day 12 popping in this morning.

How is everyone?!
I feel I’m drawing away from here and I’m anxious thst it is a sign of slipping.



@anon12657779 I decided because my constant relapses to go to Fatima (Portugal) walking until the 19 of August. It is helpful is my day 9 sober but sometimes I feel the turbulence of the cravings


Stay strong and hang on in there. It will get easier.

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It’s common to worry about slipping up, just recognise that’s all it is, it doesn’t mean you are going to slip up. When you want something really badly there will be worry that it doesn’t happen, it’s normal. You got this!


Our lady of Fatima. The Virgin Mary shrine.
I’ve always felt that any sort of trek, pilgrimage, is good for the soul. Especially one that has a meaningful conclusion.
My wife and I are planning on doing the Camino de Sanitiago when we retire.
I hope you find your solice my friend


Camino de Santiago is on my bucket list.

@VSue is looking at doing it if I remember right?


Well well. It’s something we have looked at. It looks to be beautiful route and that cathedral looks absolutely gorgeous.


Checking in.
Day: 65.

Went to the dentist yesterday to get a second opinion on the numbness of my chin and bottom lip. The dentist fully explained it to me, along with showing me my xrays, that when he extracted my wisdom tooth it traumatized my nerve. Feeling will eventually come back he just cant say when. SO relieved!

I have 2 nieces from my twin sister, Madisyn, 7 and Mackenzie, 16.
I am SO proud of Mackenzie. One year ago she was hanging with a bad crowd, doing drugs and drinking, not doing well in school as well as giving her parents a hard time.

Today, she is 1 year sober, has a great long-term boyfriend and is doing wonderful in school. She really turned her life around. Without community or family supports.
I just ordered her a special 1 year token and matching sobriety bracelets for us online.
I hope she likes them.

I am watching Madisyn today so my sister can go to an appointment. Girl time!!! YAY!

Sending hugs and strength to those who need it today! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m relieved that you got sine positive news regarding the numbeness. Your niece rocks :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


1 day sober.

Last week me and my girlfriend made the decision to split up after a relationship of 8 years. We had a serious conversation about this and we both agreed this is the best for both of us. For me it was a real emotion week with lots of stuff going true my mind. And that was the reason for me to start drinking again.
But all of this I am gonna leave behind and going to make a new start with lots of opportunities, creating new changes and meeting other people.
All so I gonna reach for some profession help because I can not stop drinking alone.

I tried it many times… but i just can’t!

I will check in daily, and I will get sober!


Day 405.

Day off work with my daughter, it’s taken us two hours to get out of bed after breakfast and moved downstairs to the sofa :rofl: really lazy morning but very much needed. Off to do the final bits of shopping for our holidays and for lunch at her favourite place.

The amazing things I get to do in sobriety. So chilled, so calm and relaxed. Keeping everything simple.

Oh and the nicotine cravings are subsiding fast :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s awesome :+1::+1::+1:


On my bucket list too! :star_struck:
Group walk! :joy:


Sorry to hear about the break up. But somethimes that’s the best to do for both.
Een deur sluiten om een nieuwe te kunnen openen…
Good idea to take all help you can get. You don’t have to do it all alone.
A big hug for you :heart:


Yes. My daughter and I for her 16th birthday. So in about 3 years. God I hope I can do it. I’ll be 50!!


Are you looking at the French route? I keep pondering a shorter route but I like the popularity of the French route…safety in numbers.

The French route looks to be the popular one. It’s something we keep coming back to and change our plans each time. It won’t be for a few years yet. Gotta get the youngest at least settled in uni.
The idea is when I retire if not before.

Checking in on day 44. From beautiful south of Portugal. The holidays are great so far without alcohol. Went for an early run by the beach today. Being sober is just so awesome