* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Your swimming pool picture had inspired me to go on holiday myself again :joy::slightly_smiling_face:

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Not you as well! :confused: I have holiday envy already big time! Back to Turkey?


Day 165

I’ve long been wanting to walk Offa’s Dyke Path.
But that seems to be less likely to happen as my knees have mutinied.

Not much pain this morning and the swelling in my left knee has gone down enough that I’m hoping to bike some errands today before the temp hits full blast. It’s been a pretty consistent 95 every afternoon this summer.

Have a lovely Tuesday peeps!


Checking in day 8 (and out, bedtime here).

Still walking early by the beach each morning. Which has had an enormously positive impact on me. Practically no cravings, which I am very happy about.

Day off work tomorrow, off to a theatre production with my little boy.

Keep putting sobriety first all x


Don’t worry Sue I feel no difference now compared to when I was 47. :laughing::laughing:

That’s on my list to do. I can do a lot of it from home. We are only an hour away from Wales, if that.

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Yeah I think so, I was in two minds but seeing Julia’s post kind of made my mind up. I can get return flights for 135 so might aswell :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on day 2. Here we go again!


Awww very nice, yeah definitely make the most of the villa :blush:

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Checking into day 17.

  1. A groan of tedium escapes me
    Startling the fearful
    Is this a test? It has to be
    Otherwise I can’t go on
    Draining patience, drain vitality
    This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act’s a little old

But I’m still right here
Giving blood, keeping faith
And I’m still right here

But I’m still right here
Giving blood, keeping faith
And I’m still right here

Wait it out
Gonna wait it out
Be patient (wait it out)

If there were no rewards to reap
No loving embrace to see me through
This tedious path I’ve chosen here
I certainly would’ve walked away by now

Gonna wait it out

If there were no desire to heal
The damaged and broken met along
This tedious path I’ve chosen here
I certainly would’ve walked away by now

And I still may, I still may

Be patient
Be patient
Be patient

I must keep reminding myself of this
I must keep reminding myself of this
I must keep reminding myself of this
I must keep reminding myself of this

And if there were no rewards to reap
No loving embrace to see me through
This tedious path I’ve chosen here
I certainly would’ve walked away by now
And I still may
And I still may
And I still may
And I

Gonna wait it out
Gonna wait it out
Wait it out
Gonna wait it out


Checking in day 137.


That’s a problem…I AM 47 and my aches and pains slow me down already. LOL

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Day 38 and intermittent fasting has me feeling like a million bucks. The not drinking for 38 days might have something to do with it too :joy:. But the IF definitely takes my energy and health to the next level.


That looks really beautiful!


I read that as 10 DAYS at first! Scared me!

Great work on 10 MONTHS, my friend Ariel!


Beatiful numbers Ariel. Big congrats!


If she ever needs support of people her age there are YPAA groups all over the world. Ask her if she is interested and I can get you the info.

Yay! Congratulations Ariel. :tada::heart:

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