* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Completing Day 2, and staying focused. The future is bright :slight_smile:


Please stick around Charlie! There are no losers here on this tread, only those who work hard to get sober. You’re one of them!! :facepunch:


Day 331 :coffee:
There is a small chance I can go visit my son next week in Germany! Just for one day because it’s a 720 km drive one way. But I would love to see how he lives back there. Miss my first born son :cry:


Hey, stick around! The fact that we make mistakes is proof we’re trying :slight_smile: And we haven’t given up yet, so why quit now? :wink:



Fire management or fire prevention. So basically someone who works for the forest service. Someone who fights wildfires. I’ll be like Smokey the bear. Lol


Quick check in.

Great workout, great meeting, added a commitment to extend my service work in the HA.
Life is great :heart:


Day 13!! I’m sooo excited for 2 week milestone tomorrow.
Been up since 4am and off to a chill family fest today.
Sending strength


Thnk you.

Yes I’ve been substituting a bit with drink and replacing it with a herbal remedy…
Im ok with it tho. It’s avoiding the hard juice that’s my focus.

Thnk you x

Me too!

Nice @aircircle!! :blush:


Day 2: checking in. Go to see my brother today. Haven’t seen him for a while. Gonna be a nice day!

No alcohol today!


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 1.000 ways that won’t work”


@anon12657779 I am glad that you know Our Lady of Fatima. I highly recommend the Way of Santiago.
Day 10 sober. Close to the goal of the pilgrimage


Today is day 2 for me, all in all I less anxious than 1 which is so great. Day 1 my nerves were busting out of my head.
I told me sister that I am no longer drinking I have said this before… I need to quit for real. Anything bad that has happened in my life has 9 times out of 10 been alcohol related. I am nervous though I going to Vegas weekend with sister and a good friend of mine who does not drink. I am going to pray I have the support of my family and also my friends. Also thank you to everyone who post on this board it’s extremely encouraging to know what others are going through and how they relate.


You wanna talk @Charlie_C?

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It is. And it becomes brighter day after day (no matter the worries or stresses we come across).

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Day 23,5.
I was awoken by the sound of messages arriving: after the son of a b… stole my wallet the day before yesterday, he had the decency to leave it with the documents inside on a car park.
The guy who found it posted a photo and info on a public fb group (infos from our little town) and left it with the car park guard.
Since I don’t have a fb account, my friends who saw the post informed me.
Instead of being delighted that I have gotten at least my ID etc. back, I’m horrified that the fb community saw the ugliest photo ever (which is exactly the one on my documents).
Pretty shallow.


I’ve put off renewing my state ID card because I’m pretty sure a new photo will only look more horrendous than the current one.

Glad you got your wallet back, but I don’t understand someone posting that info on FB.


It’s a group where people post all kinds of info from our town (ads, lost/found etc.) and, since the guy who found my wallet didn’t have my phone number (and it would be time consuming for him to go to police - I understand him), he posted it on the group’s page (and here it is the fastest way to inform people of whatever). He was thoughtful enough to hide the date of birth :slight_smile:

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A friend of mine told me she once saw a girl’s post: “I’ve lost my ID. If you find it, please don’t post the photo as it is horrendous - I promise I’ll look better on my new one” :slight_smile:


That makes sense. I live in such a populated place that I forgot the rest of the world doesn’t walk around all suspicious. ,:laughing: