* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

No I mean, I’ve been thinking about getting it. It looks really interesting, so I was just curious if you are enjoying it.

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Day 129. Feeling a bit more stable. Stay strong, stay focused, stay sober friends!


Checking in at day 162! I’m happy to say I got accepted to the university of Idaho for fire ecology!!! God I’m so excited!!! I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my life guys. Its crazy. I hope everyone has a great day!!! Stay strong guys!!! :honeybee:


Cool. What is fire ecology? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congrats!! This makes me happy too :blush:

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Congrats, from the looks of things, your gonna be a busybee too! The fires aren’t letting up.

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Day 618: had my first work social at the new job. Went to a Mexican restaurant. Everyone had their Margaritas and Coronas, except for this guy. Everyone wanted to buy me a drink, as this was my first work outing. I just said, “Thanks, I don’t drink.” Now everyone knows I don’t drink. No worries.

Was I tempted? Not in the least. I won’t drink, because I don’t drink. Sober is just part of who I am.


Love it! That’s exactly how I made it known at my new job as well… Just letting everyone I don’t drink. Really isn’t more to it :slight_smile: congrats on the new job @Yoda-Stevie


@aircircle Huge congrats, my friend. Keep up the awesome ass-kicking! ODAAT!


Nice job man. Racking those days up

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Congrats on the new job @Yoda-Stevie. The first couple times I said, “I don’t drink” it felt forced & uncomfortable. Now it just rrrrrooooollllls off the tongue. Way to keep kicking ass each and every day!!!


Kick ass. That’s great news and look at you on day 162!

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Checking in on day 224. Got off work early today so decided to just come home and do some house work/cleaning instead of going to the beach and now just relaxing waiting until one of my favorite meeting to start in a few hours. I hope everyone had a blessed day


Checking in… feeling good. I’m in solid control of my life. I have a clear head, tons of energy and a zest for life I haven’t had in decades. To everyone on this thread that is new to sobriety or struggling with it… you can do this!!! I was a power drinker, blacking out 3, 4, 5 times per week. And now… I DON’T DRINK! If I can do it, you can do it! Stay strong friends!


Am I there yet? I haven’t talked myself back out of it. Double digits tomorrow. Feeling overall fine with my decision. But I know that sneaky voice is ready to come whisper in my ear how it will be ok if I just give in. Keeping something in the tool box readily available for when that happens. Lucky to be back in school and taking two classes that should consume all my time for the next 8 weeks.


Awesome! Good for you!!!

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What’s up pal are you ok. Your not a loser :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 23. Check.


Charlie, you aren’t a loser man. I’ve seen you re-set many times on here, but I always hope that the next day one is the ONE for you. You keep coming back and you don’t quit trying. You’ve never made excuses. You’ve never said that a lapse was normal. You always own up. And you always have a seat at the sobriety table my friend. You had 5 years before, and you can get there again. I just know you have it in you. And I can’t wait to see it. Sincerely, Tom


Day 68. Not too bad. Another work day ahead. Another day of sobriety too. I feel a lot better about the second one. Have a good sober day all! @Charlie_C as long as you don’t give up fighting you are no loser. As long as you are here you are no loser. I’m happy you are here. We do this together. Happy you are here with us all.