* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

But how much better would you feel dropping a shoulder squarely into the chest of an opponent on the ice :thinking:?

Haha oh I miss the “shit talking” while playing saying things I don’t even know how I come up with only to shake that man’s hand at the end of the game saying “good game”. Love Hockey :ice_hockey:


Checking in, Day 396


Day 56 for me, approaching 2 months and I am very proud

Simple check in today


Day 24!!! Simply amazing!


Checking in for day 18. Went to New York to spend time w/ a friend. There were times the thought of drinking crossed my mind but I stuck to water. Glad I made it out the other side unscathed.


Day 83, indulging tonight in, candles, yoga, Epsom salt foot spa and my head in a book and this really spoke to me…

To all you beautiful people out there doing amazing things every day, our achievements of today are yesterdays dreams. If you are here reading this be proud of yourself, you have fought hard to get this far, and have a pat on the back from me, you are awesome :pray::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


Today I won’t be recovery, today I am recovery


Also my second full day since I reset! We got this! One day at a time.


That’s the spirit :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not sure what day I’m on anymore but I know that this month I’ve used once. Which is big for me. I went to see my cocaine keyworker today and told her how angry I was at myself for using. She said I should look at it like a book. I hadn’t read it for a whilst. I went back to it. The ending hadn’t changed. Eventually you’ll stop picking up the book. I loved the metaphor.

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205 days sober and cig free feeling fresh noticing my cheeks ain’t as red as they were tho I doubt they will ever get better fully but I’ll take anything. Life is good although our nephew has fallen out with me and my wife (he’s 15) his gf dumped him and we were with her when It happend he blamed us and even tho he’s back with her he says we are sticking our noses in and hadn’t spoke to us in a month it’s upsetting but ive sent messages and olive branches and that’s all we can do aside from go to his house and make him see us. Just don’t know what to do he’s a teenager who thinks he knows best and wants someone to blame wen things don’t go his way. Soz for the ramble it’s just on my mind peace out friends :metal::rainbow_flag::dog2:


We missed You @Kaeo ! Your presence always brings a sense of calm :blush:


Day 10. Double digits woo woo!!! Feeling pretty good. Still struggling with sleep and battling cravings but I’m hangin in there😀


OMG @Danna17 I felt exactly like that , isn’t that weird, it was actually a real heavy sadness - I do t know why but great news is with each day it lifts and something else is there. I am so so much happier and content now :slight_smile: I’m check in in on day 31 :+1: hang in there x


Hi Amanda, good one ! It’s hard for sure but make sure you have lots of supports I place , check in daily read sober blogs and podcasts, have little rewards and treats, , go to bed early , have a bath good luck X X

Thanks very much @anon12657779 :slight_smile:

Day 130. It’s typhoon day here in Japan. Everyone is expecting the apocolypse. To be fair, it’s going to be a mess for a lot places.

For my wife and I, we will be out of the harder hit areas. Our focus will be staying inside and cooking. Our priority today is making guacamole and mashed potato soup. Have a sober day all!


Day 10 coming to an end. Watching a class webinar on elementary statistics. Actually it has become background noise to my phone scrolling. I cooked a delish meal and ready to tackle day 11. Hope everyone had a good day.


Checking in… Day 4 is on the horizon in an hour and 36 minutes!