* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 306. Full moon is coming, which seems to bring out the crazy vibes. Stay sober and grounded, friends. :bird:


You can do it, I am only on day 3 it gets better. My prays are with you got this :heart:


Today is day 3, I am proud making it 3 days. I have started eating healthier and drinking more water. I feel a slight emptiness, I use to love drinking in the evening and watching tv. It really makes me reflect why couldn’t I just watch tv normally without alcohol. I know things are going to be different without alcohol. I am going through this journey to found how different. Once thank you every I really enjoying reading other post because when I think about drinking I come to chat board and it gets me over the hurdles.


Quick check in before going to bed. :grin:


Day 16. Things are getting better. Cravings still come and go, but it is more manageable. Trying to fix my life one day at a time. I am trying out a few apps to help with my mental issues. Maybe I will visit a doctor soon.


Came to a fork in the road, I took it…
Actually it was more a wall. The past few days to a week have been very challenging for my sobriety. Out of nowhere came feelings and thoughts of doubt about continuing down this road. I wasnt tempted at any moment to drink more like a lot of questions about why am I on this path, what if I threw in the towel, which me would I be happier living within, etc. I’ve heard others say here that milestones are a test, in a few days I’ll celebrate 1 full year of 0 booze and these past few days have tested me. Thank you to those who reached out to ask and others who share daily their trials and tribulations and mostly their wisdom. It’s been helpful. I’m good today. The road continues.


There’s a great guy I know who daily says “stay strong. Stay the course!” You did that and I’m proud of you. You should meet this fellow :grinning:


I’m glad your here Chris, the sober world would be a bit dimmer without your presence.


Day 24. Time is running fast. The main question of the day isn’t anymore "how do I survive this day ". Instead I think “what do I wear”? What will I do this evening? Gym, running or meeting friends or my kids? "


Day 69. Didn’t sleep this bad since I’m sober. No idea why. Rain is falling and I need to find my rain gear for the bike ride to work. Thanks for letting me whine a bit. I’m OK. I got my sobriety. That’s a big thing. 68 days of freedom from drinking and 1418 days of freedom from smoking. Writing that makes me feel better. Have a great sober day or night wherever you are all. Love from Amsterdam.


326 days sober.

And now another test begins; parenthood. Yeah, I have 3 other kids, but nothing challenges your resolve like a newborn and a hormonal wife! It’s the perfect storm. Time to take this a minute at a time. :grimacing:

Stay beautiful gang!

  1. Great seeing so many people succeeding in here!

Dan, @Dejavu, because I was so deeply lost in my own head, I missed your very special and incredible event. That’s great news for you and your growing family. Congratulations to all of you. I hope the sleepless nights will be somewhat kind to you and the bride. Truly great news. I’m going to go to sleep…um…nooo, I meant go for a walk in the incredibly uncomfortable Arizona night air…not sleep, no definately not that. Good night sir and thank you for your kind words…


I know a few guys like that and I think they’re strategically placed around the globe…


Checking in.

Feeling exhausted mentally is a treacherous slope for me. I’m going to shut down for the night bc I am learning to be more self aware and understanding that I’d rather call it a night than rip someone’s fucking head off :joy:. The little annoyances that come across my day and nights which are usually squashed bc there nothing turn into an issue when I get mentally shot. Had a lot go on today, mentally I’m laughing at a few things that I see right now but I just have to be a bigger person and understand that all I can do is laugh lol. I helped a friend out in a big way today and I took a step with a woman I don’t normally do as well. Asking for space when I have feelings bc it’s the right thing to do and it’s needed. Sticking to my own words and while it may suck, I will be just fine bc last time I checked im pretty fucking awesome :sunglasses:. Not everything works out and not everything is roses. But I’m fucking sober, I’m not in prison and again I’m pretty fucking awesome :joy::man_shrugging:t3::sunglasses:. Learning my character defects and understanding them has been huge. I don’t need to take someone else’s inventory bc I think they need it. Fuck em, I need to take care of me, I need to continue to push myself and actually push myself in areas that matter. I used to be extremely co dependent and it sucks, I’m learning happily now how to keep my old routines but find new ways to love myself. I won’t change my strengths to strengthen my weaknesses, I’ll just work harder and sharpen it all. It’s not been easy being alone but it’s the right thing right now. I don’t need unhealthy relationships and I don’t need another co dependent person in my life to have validation. Even with today being tough, I’m happy. It’s not a lie I’m trying to fake, I know tomorrow brings new things and bc of my ability to focus on the present I know what tomorrow brings bc I dictated my own future with focusing on today. It’s an uncomfortable feeling I’m growing comfortable with knowing my own reassurance is coming solely from myself. I would have never been here 121 days ago. I’m very grateful and blessed to be clean and in recovery today. I’m very grateful and blessed to be able to set a boundary for myself. I’m very grateful and blessed to be able to be clear minded and solid for a friend who just needed a friend when he was going through something very difficult. Through all this craziness, I am grateful and blessed today that I can actually say I’m happy I’m alone :heart:.


Breathe in, breathe out, wax on, wax off


Lol thank you Chad. Honestly everything is very good but I do need to be self aware and know my boundaries and limits. Not just to protect others but protect myself from negative feelings I’d have if I unloaded on someone physically or verbally… grateful recovery is showing me that.

  1. Almost 1AM. Sleeping is overrated lol.

Every second we are sober is something to be proud about! Keep it up


Closing out the day clean. Passing another “test” Sunday, made today so much easier. I was able to finally be there for him and help him back home after his knee replacement surgery. This evening, I went back put ice back in his recirculating machine and actually help him with his pain meds, no cravings, no looking to see how many the pills were in the prescription and wondering if I could sneak a few without anyone knowing. Chalk up another win for team sobriety.