* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Checking in!!!

Have a strong day!!!


Checking in day 139.


The carpet cleaning company left about 45 minutes ago and the carpet looks so pretty. The drying process will be a blessing and curse at the same time though. The blessing is that it’ll dry fairly quickly because it’s going to get about 110°f today. The curse, is that it’s going to get about 110°f today and we have to have all of the doors and windows open and the a/c off so it’ll dry quicker. Also, today is the first day of school for the kids, so homework will have to be done probably at my grandmother’s house since it’ll be to flipping hot to do it in our house.


Day 57 today for me, 3 away from 2 months and it feels great, honestly


Day 18.

Rough day. I have been thinking a lot about disconnecting and acting out.

A lot of BS with family happening and I am having trouble accepting my parents’ behavior. Since I can remember, familial relationships with them are superficial when face to face and judgements and backbiting as soon as the particular party is out of earshot. They’ve sewn seeds of distrust and criticism about their siblings and my siblings and neighbors and friends and anyone else who they deem shameful. Their support has always been conditional. Walk the line and you deserve support. Stray in any way from their idea of perfection and prepare to be embraced publicly and gossiped about privately. With family like these, who needs enemies.

I’m starting to see more clearly the influence they had on me with their codependency and their unhealthy ways of coping with the difficulties of life and I am leaning towards separating completely. The thought of estrangement is a bitter pill but I have had enough and I have to change what I cannot accept. Hopeful that they come to see it, but really doubtful after our interactions lately.

Really confused about feeling that obligation to honor them and also wanting distance from the toxicity that lives 5 miles away.

I have been thinking about holidays and gatherings without them and it doesn’t really sadden me. The idea of starting our own traditions in my family is giving me some encouragement.


You don’t get to choose your family and you do what you have to do to live your life as healthy and happy as possible. I like your last paragraph, that’s really positive. Thinking about positive action instead of negative reaction like acting out and stuff. Doing good Mitch. Congrats on day 18.


I’m sorry that your parents have such a negative impact on you. You must protect your self and your sobriety first and foremost and it sounds like distance will really help you. It’s a brave decision to make and I admire you no end for having the courage to even contemplate it. :blue_heart:


Congratulations on the 10 days! :tada:

Oh wow, that sounds like misery. I would have my head in the freezer all day!

I’m glad to be back


Check in day 32 .Switched to whole days on my counter ,I think it skipped a day :thinking: Today’s the one that counts :v:


Hey Mitch, I live in Arizona because my parents and brother live in texas. Texas isnt big enough for me and my family, I deliver this little doozy as a joke, but theres more truth to it actually. The distance gives both sides reason to skip visiting, but like you I feel an obligation and will make the trip once every year or 2. I’d sum it up like this; we visit, stay in a hotel, fulfill the expected obligation and head home. I’ve tried to speak my mind and prove my case but it’s truly futile, so I’ve accepted the facts as they are. All are heavy drinkers and it can turn into a H.S. party pretty quickly (I was guilty of this also when I drank) but more times than not it ended in disaster. I’ve left Florida, when my parents lived there, I’ve left Hawaii when my brother was stationed there. They left my house in NY after a brawl ( my brother and I, cops called, yada yada, the night of my youngest Son’s Christening). Also the eve before my wedding, a ferocious argument, again brother but also Father ( he took sides). So when I stopped drinking, I made my own choices, some are easy. Some are not. All contain guilt though because there are others who have to pick up the shit and try to keep the peace. So now, when we visit, I do it my way, to protect my own family from those horror shows. It has to be that way and I’ll not feel guilty any longer. I hope this, in the very least, let’s you see it’s not a unique problem and the choice is yours to make…be well.


Chris, you always have a special way of empathizing with my situation. I sincerely appreciate your sharing with me. Thank you! It’s a hard lesson to learn that growing up sometimes means growing apart.
And thanks @Mno and @Frantasticooo!!


Way to keep checking in gang. I’m finishing Day 11, again…2 weeks seems to be when my brain slips into thinking I can drink. I do, it’s alright for the first couple of times then it’s right back in the nasty cycle. But, I am still glad to say I have made it through the last two wine down Wednesday’s with no wine. Today’s thirsty Thursday was washed down with a lot of ice cold water, after a 3 mile trek in this humid And hot Texas weather! Stay Stong for the weekend peeps!


Indeed it is, Mitch…but live and learn right…

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  1. Checking. Looking forward to a good sober weekend.

Day 85. :facepunch:


Day 333 :coffee:
Nice numbers! Good things comes in 3 :heart:
Got my blood checked today. Asked my doctor to check my liver content, but he didn’t approved it. He didn’t found it necessary because I don’t have symptoms. Maybe it’s time for another doctor.
But he allowed me to got my blood checked for vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D and cholesterol.
I’m eating plantbased, so he could’t say no to the B12 check :hugs:
Have a great sober day! 🙋


Triple 3’s, great number…

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It topped out at 111°f at my house, and by the time the water in the carpet evaporated about 4 hours after they finished it was 97°f in the house. Our a/c unit is the original when the house was built in 1986, and has finally cooled the house down to 81°f (15:45-23:30). Yup, I’m whining, but it’s better than popping some pills and not caring how hot it was in the house