* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Do you have no humidity where you live, Chad?
cuz nothing but nothing would get dry in that kind of heat here in FL.
Hope you’re keeping cool…or cooler at least!

Day 168
Really way too early in the not even morning 168
Shoulder popped out in my sleep yet again. This time had me in tears. That’s what I get for my knee feeling better yesterday.
Got some ice on it, getting some sleepy time tea and gonna try for some more Zzzzzzs.


Checking in day 286, went to my first proper concert last and saw the a michael jackson tribute…guy was amazing , really loved it :grin:…anyway have a great day in recovery you luvly bunch …remember 1 day at a time :heart:


That sounds very painfull :astonished:
Hope you get some rest :heart:

Thanks. It is quite shockingly painful in the moment.
I dislocated my shoulder really badly about 10 years ago. Suddenly, this past year or so it’s just been randomly popping out, most often while sleeping.

Have you seen the doctor for it? Maybe he can be of help?

@KevinesKay congratulations !!! You are doing great my friend!
Today 12 days sober for myself. Finally I am in Fatima and I feel blessed. Praying for all of you


Not yet. We’re uninsured so I am lucky if we can afford to tackle one problem at a time, and that’s been getting temporary relief for my knee currently so I can walk.
I have several overuse issues from decades of sportiness, and some skin issues from decades of sportiness in the Florida sun. It all comes to roost when you get old like me. :sweat_smile:

Ha ha, how old are you if I may ask?
I’m waiting in a big line to get my blood checked. Boring…

Thought it was a quick visit before heading to the gym. Boy how I was wrong! :astonished:


I’ll be 58 in October. Holy wow! That doesn’t even seem right!

Waiting and needles. You know how to have fun, dontcha? :crazy_face:


Having the time of my life! :rofl:
I’m 51 by the way, but very lucky to be in great health. Just got my vitamin B12 and so checked because of not eating animal products. I hope you can catch some sleep? Not with me rambling here maybe? :joy:

1 Like

You’re vegan?
I’ve been vegetarian for over 30 years.


Yes, was vegetarian for 15 years and eating vegan for 1 year now.


Day 70. My one day weekend today yay! Did get to sleep in a bit. And started a week long blood pressure measurement. Asked my family doctor for this 3 months ago and had to wait for the machine. I had high BP for years, and never did something about it, but since I quit drinking it seems back to about normal. Still a good idea to have an official result. And probably a good moment to talk to the doc about my sobriety too. @SoberWalker love your numbers! Have a good sober day all. Love from Amsterdam.


Day 4: Today back to reality, back to work!

No drinking alcohol for me today!

Only fresh food and fresh water!

Enjoy the day!

“Today is a new beginning, a chance to turn your failures into achievements & your sorrows into goods. No room for excuses”


Day 17. Feeling healthy. I’ve lost about 10kg in 2 months. Thanks to the gym. Today I managed to wear an old pair of trousers which I couldn’t wear for the past few years. It fitted me perfectly. Small victory for today :v:


Day 627…on our family holiday in Greece…we were asked before we went if we had any hotel requests…I said family room… ground floor and mentioned it was my son’s 9th birthday whilst we are there…all requested items met! Adjoining ground floor rooms…plus a Bottle of wine! To celebrate his birthday! Aghhhh! Anyway gave the wine away… hotel is fantastic with sea views of the Mediterranean :grin:


Checking in for day 18 :blush:


Day 433

Opened reddit this morning to a new, popular AskReddit thread:

My go-to is the simple, no bullshit way: “I don’t drink”, but some of the answers may be useful for some, and some are quite humurous. My favorite:


Day 4, I am feeling good right now. I am nervous going into the weekend though. My things is binge drinking on the weekend starting Friday and rolling all way till Sunday. I think about the countless weekends I have lost. I am going to pray and read others post on board. Everyone be safe this weekend :heart: