* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

I’m back… checking in at day 1!!


Hey! Haven’t seen you here since ages, how has life been?

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:joy::joy: I like that one!!

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Bedtime check-out. Day 11. A bit of a trigger tonight after helping a co-worker who had a serious diabetic low at work. “Phew, that was really stressful, so I really deserve a drink”. Bought icecream instead. Go me!

Watched ‘Heal’ on Netflix tonight. A good reminder to meditate, so I’m heading to bed with Michael Sealey :heart_eyes:

Keep choosing life all x


Welcome back Alison! It’s so nice to see you. We always come home, don’t we?

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Welcome back! You were missed!

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@goBlue24, @SobahCobra79,

Thank you for the compliments that you gave me yesterday. I really appreciate it. :relieved:


Thanks for the tip about “Heal”, gonna check that one out!

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Welcome back Alison! Stick around, it’s nice having you back 🙋

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@Foxtrot, congrats on the 139 days, probably 140 now. you’re still plugging away.

@Mtrav0040, I’m glad you’re not craving alone. Good job on the 18 days. Are you still incorporating the SAA phone meetings in your week.

And @Bomdhil, I’m glad to know that you’re off to a great start. Keep it up brother.

@Positrix, look at you! It looks like you’ve really turned over a new leaf. you’re doing great. Keep it up.

@Jenyoyo, good job on not craving alone.


The first days are the hardest. Hang in there, stay strong. I’m on day five and it’s starting to feel easier. Plus, no hangover, no regret…some peace for a change. It’s good. :slightly_smiling_face::cherry_blossom:

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Milestone achieved.

Slowly seeing myself getting better at getting better.

Slowly seeing my sense of reality returning.

Slowly having more clarity.

Slowly becoming more true to myself.

Could never have done this alone. And did not do this alone. God gave me all of you.

Thanks everyone, really, from the bottom of my heart. :sparkling_heart:


Checking in for day 20. Now to get ready for a crazy busy work day and a killer workout at the gym tonight. Happy sobering folks. :muscle:t5:


I’ve been well! But immense stress in life right now is making me resort back to old habits and cycles. I want to get ahead of those patterns, where I am absolutely happy in my life otherwise! I just feel myself slipping…


Thanks! I’ve been creeping the page for about 2 weeks now, knowing that I was headed back, but I hadn’t made that decision until last night when all I wanted to do was get wrecked! I didn’t. And here I am!


Day 308. Today and this weekend is a big spiritual test. Can I put the 12 step and Buddhist principles that I have been learning into practise in showing compassion towards someone I struggle with? Here we grow… :hearts:


Huge Congratulations. That’s a great milestone @KevinesKay. You can be really proud of yourself


Checking in on day 47. Still enjoying sober holidays in beautiful south of Portugal. Went for an 8km run again in the morning. These holidays are just amazing.


My daughter is headed back to college this afternoon. I am sad, but it was wonderful having her home for the summer. Now that I am sober, our relationship is so much stronger, but makes saying goodbye that much more difficult. Hope everyone has a fabulous, sober weekend.


So true. Well said. :tulip: