* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 220. Went to order my morning coffee at the drive-thru this morning on my way to the office. The person ahead of me paid for my coffee without even knowing me. Such a kind gesture. Found this quote while still thinking of their kindness. :tulip:


How lovely, what a kind thing of them to do. That’s good karma working it’s way back to you x


Thank you Fran. You always brighten my day. :tulip:Monday morning I am going to do the same for someone else and hopefully keep it going.


Bill, I bet your daughters are super proud to call you “Dad”, and I bet they are so glad to be closer to you as a result of your sobriety. It is evident how much you love your family :blush:


And you mine Rose. Ah that’s so cool, random acts of kindness :+1: I’m going give it a ho this weekend too.

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Four days’ check in. I had a dream that I was going to be drinking, and I was so disappointed in myself. It was a relief to awaken sober on day four. Wishing everyone a wonderful day/night.


Checking in.
Day: 68.

I am infuriated right now.

My ex was summonded to court this week from Family Responsibility Office.

It was remanded and he has to hand in all kinds of paperwork. Ex: the last 3 years tax returns, bank statements, employment information.

Turns out he hasnt filed his taxes in 3 years and other things… He is completely stressed.

So he called me yesterday to ask if I would sign a private aggreement for child support to cut FRO out.

I wrote him this morning to say that I would not be getting involved and it is time for him to be a responsible adult.

He replied by saying that he would be serving me to go to court likely on the 10th (in past years this would have scared me enough to agree to his terms).

I simply said “So be it. I will deal with things as they come.”

He then said I am not to contact him and he will send money for our son but that’s it.

I reminded him that we have done nothing wrong here and our son is the only one who suffers from not having his father in his life.
“You have chosen your path. We did not.
Why should Ethan suffer?”
To which he replied “Bye.”

This is what I deal with.

I was thrust into single parenthood after he abandoned us for his girlfriend and her family and I have done my best.

It is time for him to grow up and take responsibility.

Sorry all. Im fuming.

Our son does not deserve this.


Congratulations Kevin!! :star_struck:

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That sounds very hard, Amanda! I am so proud of you for standing strong and staying sober and not rising to provocations or wilting and acquiescing. You are one strong lady!


Having a half ass parent is never fun. I’m in a similar boat or was at least. My daughter’s dad has finally started to come around more consistently. Prior to this change I always felt hurt she didn’t have her dad around. But then I realized I have no control over their relationship. No matter how much I’d beg him to see or call her I could not force anything. Being upset over it is understandable but why be upset when your son is being loved to the fullest by you? I had to realize all I could do was love her fully and be the best parent I could be regardless of her father. Once i started letting go of the pain from his absence in her life things started to look up. Now that he is coming around things are even better. Congrats on 68 days! I pray things start looking up for you and your son.


Sweet girl, so very sorry this is happening to you. You will be strong for your precious son. This experience will only make you stronger in the end. Sending you hugs. :tulip:

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Checking in on day 218 going to be a nice relaxing sober weekend!


Nice of you to say, Tristan. Every aspect of my life is better without alcohol. No question.

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thanks you! second day and counting.


Thank you @aircircle, @Ninjakitty and @Rose14 for your kind responses.

My son is a happy, healthy boy and I remind him and show him daily just how much he is loved and appreciated.

I have been a single parent for the last 4 years and I thought after all this time my ex’s participation wouldnt upset me as much.

I just empathize with my son.

Although today may be difficult, tomorrow is a new day.

Grateful to be sober.

Thank you all. :heart:


Your texts were spot on, you stood up for yourself and your son! I hate being threatened by people that pretend to care. Yeah he might be in a bad place but he’s acting out and pointing the finger at the wrong person here. He’s to blame for his actions, and now he’s got to deal with the consequences. Good for you for standing up for yourself.


Checking in!!!

Have a strong day!!!


I am rollin into day 5, I am heading to Vegas from California. This was a pre-plan trip for my friend birthday. I already paided and it obligation :weary:.
I know this trip is going to huge trigger for me.
I am praying. My sister knows I am not drinking. My other friend doesn’t drink much I think I’ll be fine. I’ll check in anytime I feel triggered over this weekend.


There are meetings like 24/7 in Vegas. Might be worth checking out!!


Nice one Kevin. Your words that you use in your posts show that your strength is coming through.
Keep it up.:grinning: