* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Proud of you @Rivoli! I too will have a week at midnight! You CAN do this! Keep checking in and killing it.

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Checking in for day 21. Just got back in from a rooftop party where my boyfriend wanted to go tonight. He had a few drinks and everyone else was pretty lit. I did not drink nor did I want to. I actually didn’t even battle with the thought which I’m extremely proud of. Left early though. I can’t be in that environment sober. It’s simply boring. Lol. There were beautiful views I could appreciate though.


Hi everyone :wave:
Checking in for day 20 :blush::v:


Day 19. Kazi Sunday. Clicking in.


Good pics, well done for staying strong.

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Day 87, feeling good :smiley:

  1. Plus 32 before. So almost 2 months without drinking this summer. I feel much better than last summer.

Looks like the weather is better next week @NewPerspective! Rainy now, but next week the sun is shining just for you! Welcome in the Netherlands :grin:

Congratulations with your 3 months sober @Takemetothebeach! :tada: That’t something to be proud of!

That sound like a kind of group I would be intrested in too if I would live were you do @siand. Never heard of such a group here. Hope you find what you are looking for.

Welcome @Bks 🙋Your brain will calm down after a while. Try to distract yourself, it helps!


Day 329 - I’m heading out on a business trip tomorrow morning, going across the state near Idaho. I’ll be in the car with my boss for 4 and a half hours. He’s a nice guy, but just enough older than me that we have that generational gap and don’t have a lot in common. This will be a challenge, but I’ll worry about that tomorrow, now time for sleep.

Stay beautiful gang!


Day 335 :coffee:
Going to help family with their new house. So wearing my oldest clothes and ready to go.
Glad I don’t drink anymore. It would be more worse with a hangover!

  • I rather stayed at home at my only free day…then go painting a house :rofl: But hé…it’s family!! 🙋

:rofl: Forgot my own milestone! :joy:
11 months sober today!
Gratefull :pray:


What a fantastic story of your memories. The praise you have for your sister jumps off the page word by word. Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself and adding to the good will this community generates among its members. Also… Congrats on your sobriety. I wish you continued strength on your journey!!

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Painting is kind of fun, for about 30 minutes. If you have lots of help it will be funnier! :wink::grin:

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Talk about music, it’ll lead to stories. Stories are always good conversations…unless they’re not good stories. Then, talk about golf.


Day 14 sober. Today I end my holidays and I end my pilgrimage in Fatima. I feel fortified and I hope to fight well in daily life. @KevinesKay totally agree with your words. The work of purify a heart is hard!!!


Congratulations @SoberWalker You are a real soberwalker! :clap: Bravo!

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Checking in day 288…hope you all have had an awesome weekend :grin::grin::grin:


@SoberWalker congratulations on 11 months sober. This is really great. Strong lady :muscle:

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Checking in on day 49. Life is good👌


Day 72. Coffee time. Feeling better one day at a time. I love my sobriety. I love this place and this thread in particular. Seeing everybody work their quits and their lives while I’m working mine. Thanks for being here all. @SoberWalker great quit & beautiful numbers! @siand No dharma recovery in the Netherlands (yet). Or SMART meetings either. Did just get the Dharma book. Still undecided about going to groups but absolutely interested. @anon84416494 That just brought a tear to me eye, my 4 year older sister and me have a complicated relationship but your story did just make me realize I love her quite a bit. Sobriety has given me a new perspective and new possibilities to work on our relationship I feel. Thanks!


Day 0 again :sob::fearful::frowning: