* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Today is day one. You are here today. Just for today don’t drink. Keep working it and you will get where you want to go. Success and strength friend.


Nice one Buts. 11 months! Go girl!:star_struck:

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Checking in day 87 the last few weeks have been tough coming up to 3 months and I was putting so much pressure on myself to be fixed already, when realistically this is a life long journey and 3 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. What’s important is that I stay sober and keep moving forward with love and compassion towards myself. Being here with all you wonderful people helps me do that and for this I am truely thankful, have a wonderful sober day TS family. (Oh and i smoked yesterday so reset timer!) :kissing_heart::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::purple_heart:


Awesome :heart_eyes::blush::heart: you inspire me everyday beautiful Buts.

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Day 290.
Day 2 of family holiday. And it’s great. Really chilling into it already. About 15 miles walked yesterday down gorge and up hill. Excellent. No family drama’s, even better!
I’ve caught my controlling side coming to the surface a couple of times and just knocked it back and let the girls take the lead. I know in the past it’s got in the way of relaxing times. And the benifits are great
As I said no drama!
F**k yeah!!!

Keep it up guys, don’t let it grind you down! :grinning:


Fran, you got a case of the milestone maladies!
It is such a relief when you finally realise that this is not a quick fix thing.
Well done girl. You are doing great and you inspire so many people, including me! :hugs::grinning::star_struck:


It’s funny cus I was thinking to myself I’m not falling for that trap, I will see that a mile off! How wrong was I?! Thanks MR G. Awesome work on your 290 days (is that 9 months?) Your a friggin legend :+1::blush::sunglasses::grinning:


9 and a giraffe I thinks Fran. First of August was 9 months

Edit: yep just changed the counter thingy. 9.5


Did you keep that quiet or I did I tots miss that???

Edit does giraffe mean half?

Can’t remember. I think I did say something.

Day 176. Not too bad but I did have a crappy moment on Friday. Got an unexpected missed call from my doctor asking me to call them back. Honestly, I lost it a bit and went into panic mode. I defo have an issue with hypochondria and its something I need to work on. Thankfully its just a follow up blood test, routine stuff, but man did I spiral quickly :confused:

Other than that things are good. I have a new arch nemesis in the cross country setting on the cross trainer at the gym and its all about routine, routine, routine right now. It helps me so much. The fewer decisions I give myself daily the better.

And Ive booked a short holiday by myself in September as I need a break/change of scenery. Im a bit anxious about it but I spend a lot of time in my own company these days so it should be fine.

Hope you are all doing well and keep fighting the good fight. Much love :+1:



Quick check in on day 78, been uber busy but I’m still here and sober :heart::heart::heart: y’all :tractor:


Day 13. Quick checkin before bed. Massive weekend having sober fun with my little boy. “School of Rock” musical, Royal Show and then a space exhibition at the museum. My heart is singing that I have done so much clean fun and that I feel so happy sober :sunny:

Congrats all on your amazing numbers big and small!

@sprinkles ‘fersure’ cracked me up :joy:



Day 526.

Quick check in, super STOKED to see my bestie back here @Yomomma!!! :heart:

Been keeping busy here. Move appears to delayed a bit so I likely need to cancel my vacation the first week of Sept. The universe has been very clear with me that nothing is changing until I learn the last what I need to from this so instead of being disappointed and angry about it, I’ve been doing the work to try to shift my attitude about it. And that’s hard because alllllllll I want right now is my OWN space lol. But, I know it’s coming and I know I need to learn how to enjoy life without perfect conditions. I’ve come a long way with that but there is apparently still more work to do to break old patterns so none are ever repeated again. So, I’m just trying to do the right thing, stay open, receptive, patient and focused on healing as well as the positives in life vs what’s going wrong at a frustrating and trying time. Even for me, that’s been difficult lately but I have acknowledged the need to take my power back, recenter my self and grow instead of shrinking by reacting negatively. I have been taking a LOT of my time to do this the last few days and it’s felt like a good shift already! :heart:

Hope you beautiful souls have a great and sober week!


Thanks :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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Beautifully said and done @MandiH

Day 170
The hub came home from his new job drunk last night. Meaning he’s already drinking at work again, or he slammed a bunch driving the company truck they let him use, or both.
Plopped down right next to me filthy and smelly, beer in hand, complained about life, passed out snoring.

I gotta tell you, drinking was thee last thing on my mind. :angry: :hammer:
Deep breaths, bite tongue, stay in lane, self reflect, happy place, can’t change others, smother with pillow, deep breaths…

Have a lovely Sunday my fellow sober warriors!


Congratulations on your 11 months. :tada::tulip:



Wondering how you’re holding up

And this, my friend, is the real battle. That was awesome what you did! Knowing how powerless I am, I have to go to any extreme length to get help for me. Setting boundaries is a huge part of my day. Can make life inconvenient at times, but each inconvenience is a reminder to me that I’ve chosen a better life.

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