* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

I’m checking in at day 152. 5 months today. Although my life is overly busy with work, I find myself in a good state of clarity. In other words, no cravings today. I’ll take it.


Day 222. Had a bit of a rough patch last night. I enjoyed a wonderful day with my Mother and looked forward to some peaceful time on the patio with my hubby. It was a beautiful evening, listening to music, just relaxing. I was very much enjoying a new tea I just purchased and out he came with a cocktail for himself. Normally this has not bothered me but last night it did. I have always had a backup plan to call my sister if I ever felt this way. I had absolutely NO intention of drinking but sitting with those feelings were very uncomfortable for me. After venting and some tears my sister said the magic words, “I am very proud of you.” I did not know that was exactly what I needed to hear. I wiped my eyes, went back outside and enjoyed my tea. My sister sent me this quote. I love her. :tulip:


You can do this day differently Charlie and end it sober! I have faith you have it in you to do what it takes for that today, just as you have the last two days. :heart:


@Rose14 - that was a beautiful story and I am also proud of you for how you handled that! These situations can rattle us but it does get better! Well done.
Also well done to @SoberWalker for 11 months, I’m still right behind you, my friend!
And @KevinesKay for 5 months. I know you have been working hard, well done!


Well done, Rose, and your sis sounds like a gem.
What kind of tea, btw?

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Thank you Cheryl. :tulip:the tea is Stash , Decaf Chocolate Hazelnut. It is so good even without the caffeine.

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Thank you Ariel. :kissing_heart:

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That sounds very nice. Mmmm

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Also Stash, Christmas in Paris is another favorite. It has chocolate, mint and lavender. I have become a tea aficionado. Lol


I have many boxes of tea in my cupboard but most are variants of Sleepytime.
As my sleep has improved with sobriety, I’m ready to branch out tea-wise.


Day 310. Had a tense weekend with my sister visiting. In the past, any amount of time with her would have had me sucking on a drink all weekend. Not this weekend! I felt tense and awkward and anxious, but got through it without any major drama between us. I don’t ever see us having a close sisterly bond, but I think there has been a shift from outright hostility towards neutrality, and I will take that as a win. I wasn’t as open hearted as I could have been, but I am aiming for progress, not perfection. :hearts::bird:


Congrats on the 11 months! What an accomplishment!

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What is it about Sunday that makes it so difficult to stay sober?


I want to see you back here tomorrow telling us you’re on day 4 cause you and @Yomomma are my sober twins. So like, were triplets :sweat_smile::dancer::walking_man::woman:t2:


Sorry I missed it :frowning:

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Sounds like a win to me, you gave it your all and that so cool, really pleased and proud if ya :blush:

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Day 7! I can’t even believe I made it through a whole weekend and even went to a street festival… One I was usually wasted at. I feel super proud of myself. The week was easy but the weekend was HARD and I’m amazed that I made it through SOBER.


Day 17 for me too! We got this, just for today!


I’ve started over probably 5x since I left rehab Oct 2018, but I refuse to give up. I will not let the monster inside win. Day 17 now, and just for today, we can do this!


12 hours sober now… Normally I drink 4 or 5 days in a row if I relapse. That’s the only positive thing I can think of for the moment…