* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

@aircircle my mother’s visits have that effect on me. The anxious anticipation of her arrival usually has me 2 vino deep before she even gets here. Good for you for staying strong and fluid, and accepting that what you CAN do is more than enough, rather than getting caught up with what you CAN’T (yet). Coffee cheers to you! :coffee:


Checking in. Day 1 again. I hope I never have to type that in again.
Today is mine. I’m telling myself to stay in the moment and breathe. I’m telling myself that I am strong and capable. I just read ‘you don’t have to cave to the crave’. I love it!!!
I want my sober life back. I deserve to be sober.
Thank you for being here. It helps me to read where everyone is at and how we all keep going.


7 days today. Feeling good gonna clean my attic later today. (That will be a full day job cause it looks like a bomb hit it!) I have a full bathroom up there it’s been a while since it’s been thoroughly cleaned. Maybe a delivery of steak tips for lunch. Enjoy your Sober Sunday everyone!!


Checking in day 142.


Hey! Thanks Keiti! I am here almost every day but have been silent! I don’t think I could not come here…it is my reminder when that voice pops up. Less these days…all I have is today! About to go for a long bike ride with Olive (my daughter). She amazes me every day. She played in net about half of her soccer tournament. The way she challenged the ball everytime is a reminder of how we can never let up or that ball will slip on in the net!


This is an awesome way to look at things, keep that up :+1::blush: heres to day 13 being even more awesome x

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Day 387. Lots rattling around. Didn’t realize how much till some folks reached out, and to them I’m grateful. :heart: Toward the end of my hike today, it sunk in again this is a “we” process, and my step got a little lighter. And for that I thank you!


Looks beautiful!

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Thanks, it’s a GORgeous day! Heat finally broke here with a nice, cool breeze. :grin: :+1:


So true and well reminded thank you :pray:


Checking in on Day 26. Busy weekend. Made some upgrades to the home gym. New power rack, and built our own deadlift platform. Super stoked!!!


Have a strong day!!!


Yay for sober triplets!!


That’s where you’ll film your Rocky-esque lifting montages, then?

Looks great man. Basement of the new place?

  1. I woke up this morning feeling absolutely nothing like P.Diddy and most certainly did not brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. In fact, I brushed my teeth with a fresh tube of aquafresh and read the ingredients of my mouthwash wondering why we have a product to wash out our mouth after we’ve just washed out our mouth. I did feel good though despite having to go to work and see out another day of culinary bollocks, uncontrollable disdain for every ticket the printer pushed out and casually trying to turn my eyes to the heavens and shrug off any half-thought fuckery the front of house dolphins tried to throw out at me…like asking if theres onion in the onion chutney or putting through menu items 20 minutes after they’d been 86’d. Ha! Actually, my half wit head chef once put his foot right in his idiot faced mouth trying to sound …I’m not sure what the word is, but he asked me if a menu item had been ‘85’d’. The look on my face must’ve nearly killed him because the look on his nearly killed me. I’ve finished now and I’m back home but today didnt so much test my sobriety but it did test my patience. Recently I’ve been thinking about what I want to do later carewewise - not set any wheels in motion yet but what would I like to do and I come to the same thing everytime and I think I’ll pursue it one day but not yet. For now, I am going to just keep looking forward to my break and continue to keep my head down and nose clean. Theres no way I’m getting a reference from this place but that’s okay… dolphins dont speak English anyway.

Send the plate out with just a garnish.


Yes! Pretty important distinction I’d say that we (or me at least) couldn’t make when I drank…


Of course!!!

@SoberWalker thanks so much!!! :grin:

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Day 35 check in.


Checking in for day 22. Grateful for being strong. Happy sobering.