* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Checking in for Day 1…


Checking in on day 59, 2 months clean tomorrow and very excited for it. Hoping my higher power will reward me with a new career next week to celebrate this milestone but if not, that’s ok too


Well done, @SoberWalker! And on this special day, a good time to say thank you for 11 months of your amazing support. Thank you for being awesome, my friend! :heart: :muscle:


And another quick check in…

D’oh! Just remembered to order a SIM card for my trip to Hamburg at the end of the week. Cuz how else am I gonna check in here or find a meeting on the fly? :airplane: :v:


Stay sober. Trust your HP. Clean house. Serve others. This is the path to happiness.


Day 330

In about 10 minutes I am meeting some folks at a sports bar for work. I don’t know anyone except my boss. He knows I don’t drink anymore, so he’s my only ally. I didn’t get all this way to fuck it up now. Game on.


Like I’ve been saying for months, no one cares that I’m not drinking. :grin:

Of the 6 people at our table, 3 are not drinking tonight. They are moving the party to a cigar bar and I am bowing out. There is a Weird Al concert here tonight and our sales rep gave me a ticket, so I’ll be getting Weird tonight!


21 days. (178 without pot)

That was a hectic week. Traveling, training, work and then a weekend of catching up with old friends. Lots of temptation to smoke pot but I didn’t cave and my friends were all were great about not pressuring me which I appreciated. They all mentioned that it was evident that I had been hitting my workout regimen hard. That felt good. Kinda reminded me that although my number of days isn’t high it doesn’t wipe out all the hard work I have put in this year.

Planning on calling into a meeting tomorrow and probably 2 or three more throughout next week just to bring me back to that place of humility and gratitude that I need to be in. Still gotta find sponsorship and begin working steps actively. Starting to see how easy it is to put my recovery on the back burner and that’s my first step toward acting out.


Spam in the place where I live
(Ham and pork)
Think about nutrition, wonder what’s inside it now
(Oh boy)…


Day 928. Sponsor trauma again, I don’t know what it is about me and them but it hasn’t been easy! She left the country for a month and didn’t tell me. I had recently lost my job and was going through a hard time… I thought maybe she had blocked my number or something, lol! I saw her at a meeting today. She has her side to the story of course. Didn’t hear from me for a couple of weeks before she left and thought I didn’t want to work with her!


Sadly I have to admit that I set back again. Day 0 for me :face_with_head_bandage:


Awesome! Have fun :blush:

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Day 28 to 29. It’s 5 A. M. and I’m awake (stepped on a bloody sea urchin - it didn’t hurt that much at the moment, but it does now… I’ll go to the pharmacy in the morning).
The next weekend in our town will be organized a kind of traditional summer celebration. I confess I’m a little worried that it might “trick” me into having a few drinks. So I’m actually planning to go away for a couple of days, just to avoid it. I know I shouldn’t run away but I still don’t feel strong enough.


Day 322! Feeling great. Month 10 - I haven’t had any cravings or thoughts about alcohol. Writing in my blog has helped tremendously and I’ve gotten some really positive feedback from people who have read it. Can’t even believe how long it’s been, 322 doesn’t seem like it should be right. Haha. Never ever did I even contemplate the fact that I wouldn’t drink alcohol for 322 days.


I read this in the tune of REM song “stand” is that what you were going for? Lol

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Yep. A Weird Al Yankovic song. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have been sober for 42 days! I feel amazing and I can tell a difference in my skin. It looks brighter somehow. Life is good and I’m having no problems being around friends/family who drink. Thanks be to God! I am on day 9 of a liver cleanse that is totally plant based for 21 days and I feel amazing and have lost 8 lbs since I stopped drinking! I love reading your inspiring stories on here.

  1. Check in.

Thanks for sharing @Bomdhil.

Today is a new day. Reset those locks. Get rid of any porn that you have in the house. Get rid of that new device if you purchased one. Reach out for help. Don’t crave alone. And set a plan to stay sober today! Today is all we have right now.


Checking in at day 153.

Went to church today, sober.

Most of them went on a weekend retreat. I had to work.

The sermon was about friendship. A true friend sticks closer than a brother.

Want to know my experience? I gave my friends at church a chance to know me and for me to know them. But today, there was no one there that I could share my gift of 5 months of sobriety. No one there is really supportive of my recovery.

You are my real friends. It’s true. And that’s good enough for me. Thank you.