* Checking in daily to help maintain focus


Wait tho… did you bow out and get to go see Al while they just sat around?!

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Yeah, dude had a pocket full of tickets and no one wanted to go, so I was like YOINK! They stayed and kept drinking, I got a free show and am in bed by 10 PM. I feel like I won on this deal!

  1. Geez I’m emotional today. I miss my kids so much right now. Loneliness is really hard to figure out and the lessons it’s supposed to teach me. But I guess that’s life? I’m happy to be sober and working through these feelings vs drinking to avoid them.

Love Weird Al!

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Checking in on day 40, thank you Lord.


Well done @KevinesKay! 5 months is great :tada: Thank you for being around helping people with your advice my friend! :heart:

I need a sister like your @Rose14 :hugs:
Well done in following you’re sober back up plan!

That’s progress @ShadowFax :facepunch:


@SoberWalker even if i am terribly late, i did not want to miss saying: Congratulations on 11 months. Well done and keep going


Day 336 :coffee:
Thank you all for the nice messages I received yesterday for my 11 months milestone :heart:
I allmost forgot the day myself. I knew it was coming up, but when it was there my mind was full with other stuff.
Helped family yesterday with moving stuff to their new house. The strange thing was that they let me move their wine collection!
They know I don’t drink and have a alcohol problem. But like allways they don’t understand it in total. If I were in my first sober months I wouln’t have touched those bottles! I would have asked for another task to do.
But now I’m stronger I thought it wasn’t worth the explanation. So yesterday I’ve had a lot of bottles of wine in my 2 sober hands!!
Still sober today and ready for a busy day! At first work untill 18.30 and then leaving for my son in Germany. I think we will arrive in our hotel at 3 o’clock in the night :astonished:
It’s going to be a looooong day!!


Thank you very much :heart:



That’s a great way to put it. Working through problems rather than drinking to avoid them, so true.

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Thank you Ely :sparkling_heart:

I will set up a thread at some point to share some of the ideas and content etc as well as my reflections on it. (@SoberWalker and @Mno will also let you know when I do!)

How are you getting on at the moment?


1 day… Starting again. I will not give up!


It is two hours before when I normally wake up for work but I’m awake because I went to bed early on a Sunday to start my work week of right. I’m at day 6 which means I didn’t drink this weekend! First time since beginning of July.


Hey guys day 289 and checking in , been a strange week ,alot of lucid dreams about drinking and random anxiety attacks throughout the day, I know it’s the illness pulling on me but I’m pushing through,…really gratefull I have this group to share how I feel ,one day at a time :heart:


I can’t sleep…ugh. I have no idea why, but I just can’t seem to fall asleep. I work in 4 hours and this is mt final week of testing for my job. WTF!


Day 73. Another 8 hours of sleep in the bag yay. One more late shift before my personal long weekend starts. Yay again. Another sober day ahead. Yay thrice. @SoberWalker folks who have no problems with drugs or alcohol just don’t get it. My best friend thinks in a while we’ll be having wine together, once I am ‘over it’. She’s really smart and sensitive and perceptive in most things. Have a great sober day and week all! Love from Amsterdam


Checking in- day 2. I hope everyone has a good day. Woke up sober. Working on staying strong. Reminding myself to be capable and choose the life I want. Thank you everyone. I hope you have a good day. I will check in after work.


Checking in on day 50 :sunglasses:


Nice milestone achievement, Julia. 50 days is awesome. Congratulations!:trophy:

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