* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Waking up to day 4. Didn’t get the chance to check in yesterday, bust working my day off. But that’s the life of running a kitchen, and having call outs. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it up by skipping out on Friday! Silver lining, I hope so.

This time around seems to be easier. I know what challenges and cravings I’m going to face already. But it still doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Love and light to all you fantastic sober peeps! Have a sober and happy Monday!


Awesome, I look forward to it. Things are ok at the moment, thanks for checking in. Just a few days away from 600 in terms of drugs and alcohol and also at a solid six months from cigarettes smoking! Both of those milestones feel pretty incredible :blush:. It’s been a rough summer emotionally, a lot of ups and downs, but…I can thankfully say that my previous vices don’t factor into that at all, it’s just some good old fashioned grieving. I’ve been reading a lot of books by a Buddhist named Jack Kornfield and have been trying to really start looking at the roots of my low grade feelings of anxiety throughout the day that lead me to turn to salty and sugary foods towards the end of the day. I’m a fairly healthy eater all things considered, but since the big vices are out of the picture, I have been able to start looking at my inner monologue throughout the day to begin honing in on what thought patterns lead me to that feeling of “I just gotta reward myself/get away from this/treat myself” that I end up feeling. At the end of the day. It’s eye opening for sure. Thanks again for checking in. I always appreciate your kindness and insight on here​:heart:


“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely do we admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” - Maya Angelou

Checking in.
Day: 71.

We had a nice visit with my Dad yesterday.
Ethan rode his atv and I enjoyed the tranquillity of my parent’s house.

It’s raining today so indoor activities are on the agenda.

Grateful for another sober day. :heart:


Beautiful milestones Kevin and Julia!!
@KevinesKay @anon35096624

@ShadowFax Good to see you check in. That says more than the number.

Day 171 here
Time to address the crutches I used to get me this far, it seems. Cigs and TV/electronics.
Maybe I can finally become a meticulous housekeeper.
(never gonna happen)


Day 14. Another quick check in. So tired at night time from my early, early walks! A satisfying day with no cravings. Keep up the great work people.


Day 7 checking in. One week down!


I’m on day 22. After almost 10 months of being sober, I reset. Ended up drinking every day, became a shit parent (again) and gained 20lbs. Today is day 22. I’m hopeful that this is my last reset. I got so far and then slipped and fell hard. My current boyfriend is clean and sober and has been for years - he helps me tremendously. I’m so thankful to be back here, and for all of you. :cherry_blossom:


Day 223. Just want to tell you all how amazing you are. Thank you for all of your support. :tulip:


You are amazing :kissing_heart: Still working on my random act of kindness. Did you find someone to but coffee for today? X


Thank you sweet girl. I didn’t stop for coffee this morning. I will do it tomorrow for sure. I absolutely love the idea of random acts of kindness. I will let you know. :kissing_heart:

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Handed in my notice this morning. Spoke to my manager over the phone because I’ve been on leave and she’s not in the office tomorrow, when I will be back. I’ve been so nervous for about a week, so it’s good to have it out the way. All feels a bit weird, I’m excited for the new job and got some good reasons to leave but I’m sad about going too.

Will be celebrating the job and marking the last day of my holiday with a meal out this evening. So much better than a blackout and a hangover!!


DAY 8, I cracked my first week!! Feeling strong, LET’S DO THIS!!!


Yeah me too, makes my heart sing to know I can brighten someone’s day a little :heart_eyes:


Day 18, going to Hobbs & Shaw with hubby and daughter Twin 2.
The hour drive home at night from work around 9pm is the worst for me, I dwell on mistakes and wrestle with boredom, and my usually convenience store ”suppliers" call my name, lol. The saying above hit home for me, need to take it to heart!


I have loved that saying from the first time I saw it in your avatar.
I am a big rehasher. And being alone a huge percentage of my day gives me ample opportunity to make those proverbial mountains out of molehills.


Checking in on day 60, which for me is 2 months sober. Lets see what today brings, and I can’t say it enough but thank you everyone who has helped me with inspiring words and wisdom. Its truly appreciated!



Proud of you Dave! Keep up the good work.


Day one here. Time to become the person I deserve to be!


Welcome @Kipper! Great people here giving some nice advice. This is the best decision you could have made. Checking as often as you’d like. Read and post. Best of luck on your sober journey. It’s all starts with day 1. And we all have your back!


Day 4.

Woke up like I’d been hit with a ton of bricks, disoriented and exhausted. I know this is a day 4 physical reaction to having let myself fall off the wagon. I will never have another day 4. Thankful I’m not working today or tomorrow. Woke up several times during the night and my first thought was ‘ugh, so hungover.’ But then I remembered I didn’t drink! Yes! :sun_with_face:

The one positive is that I’m back in the land of vivid dreams. Keanu Reeves is a great kisser and I’m now his person. #VirgoOnVirgoLove :heart_eyes: :rofl: