* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Thank you so much!

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Day 595, almost 600 :hushed: That’s surreal AND so freaking awesome :heart_eyes:


Keanu :heart::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: My forever crush :sweat_smile: We could share him :thinking::laughing: ?

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Always my Virgo sister :hugs:

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Love your positive focus hun, enjoy keanu :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::wink::wink:

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:blush::blush::blush: family day out yesterday. You know that mood when you just cant decide what to wear, I’m like that with Avi at the moment :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Checking in!!!

Have a strong day!!!


Day 311. I am finding my way back to equilibrium after a weird weekend with a challenging family house guest. It was a hard weekend and threw me off emotionally, but I am now back on the gratitude train. ALL ABOARD! :bird:


1308999b3d53d9c99e3b680119a37cdb Pleased your feeling back on track



Said every Aries :joy:


I’ve changed it now so your post makes no sense :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Tee hee hee, leave it or none of this will make sense!!

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Checking in again. Had a gorgeous meal but on our way home we say an old boy fall over. A couple of younger lads got him up and we stopped to see if we could help. He had a big bump on his head that was getting bigger and bigger. He said drink isn’t his problem but the smell of whisky and general dishevelled appearance said otherwise.

He refused to go to a&e but we eventually persuaded him to let us call him a taxi. He said he lived alone, no family etc, but was adamant that he didn’t want an ambulance or anyone to go and check on him. After we put him in the taxi we did call the ambulance though.

Just made me sad that he was so vulnerable and alone. Can’t help but think the alcohol is probably a pretty big reason for that.


Congratulations back to you. 5 months is awesome :bouquet:


In my old life i used to drink a very special beer, which was only avialable in one store. This store never had too much of this beer and it was always my suspicion that i was the only one buying it - i was in this store a couple of days ago and they are no longer selling it


Were you around somebody who was smoking it or something. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Day 36 check in.Grateful to be Sober!


Day 331: Work golf tournament. Open bar and drink cart, so needless to say, I had 4 or 5 Soda Cran’s, but my partner had taken advantage of the free drinks, a little too much. So near the end of the round, he asked, so you don’t drink? Nope. Like ever? Or did you quit? I said I quit 11 months ago. He was amazed, asked like for health reasons or… ? I said, because I was a raging alcoholic. He said, oh… me too. I want to quit but it’s so hard. I said, I know it is, and when you’re ready, you can.

When we were done and getting on the bus.to go back he gave me a hug and said I was doing an awesome job. Now, I’m sure it’s the liquor talking, but I’ll take it.


Dan you are doing an awesome job and that brought a tear to my eye. You never know the impact you can have on a person, even if it’s months or years down the road. :bird: