* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Even if it takes that dude another 10 years to figure it out, you may have planted the seed.


Exactly what Ariel said. It would be awesome if you have inspired him to get on the Sobriety train :+1::slightly_smiling_face:
Even though it may take him a while longer to ready himself :slightly_smiling_face:


Proud of you Dan, you’re killing it brother! Your posts are a source of inspiration for me. Plus, I’m gonna lean on you hard in about 6 weeks when the kid comes! :joy: Keep up the good work.


Day 23. Proud of myself. But getting nervous and anxious about my trip coming up Thursday to Tuesday in Savannah. I’ve been very strong but I know there will be alot of drinking with the family and I need the resolve to deny the temptation. I’ll try my best to remove myself from the environment when I’m feeling too triggered. I’ll also be more active on here for those weak moments. I’ve been able to control my surroundings for the most part these past couple of weeks. God be with me. I don’t want to drink.


@Englishd @anon13078412

You’re right, that’s all we can hope to do, to be that light in the darkness. I don’t tell everyone I was a raging alcoholic, but I had a feeling we had that in common. Sometimes, you never know who’s listening. :blush:


Thanks man! You are do awesome at Dading. It’s scary at first, but after a while it is slightly less scary!

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Possible. I long ago stopped posting to the thread. I have almost 900 unread threads, so I’d better get cracking before the number reaches 1K

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Hat Chad how’s it going buddy. I’ve muted a few threads in the last month or so, some because I didn’t like the content and some as they just had no relevance to me. Good day to you :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey G. I’m doing good thanks, how about you?

I’m alright thanks, been in a bit of a funk the past few days but I think that’s just down to hiring the three month mark today.
I loved the video of Gunny with his new boots, it brightened my day no end :slightly_smiling_face:


Very inspiring, Dan. It’s a great feeling when someone realizes its possible to quit after they’ve seen you do it. Hopefully he will follow through and get some help.


Hey pal, hang in there. I was very out of whack around 90 days - real low and grief stricken. On my 100th day I wrote a list of 100 things I was grateful for and that seemed to shift A LOT. You are doing so well :fire::two_hearts::bird:


100?!!! Don’t stress out @anon13078412 :sweat_smile:

Thanks, I’m in a much better place mentally now. My spirits were lifted first thing this morning when I checked some of last week’s lottery tickets and found that I had won about $230 worth of British pounds :joy:
I naively thought I could bypass the milestone blues by not keeping my eye on the days.
I’ll take feeling a bit low for a few days over using any time.
Thanks, I get motivation from other members such as yourself :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Why aren’t you sleeping young man? :thinking:

I can’t help it I believe many of us Scorpios tend to over stress :joy:
Been watching Chicago pd, I’m up to date with it now so about to go to sleep, g,d night :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Well you are a water sign and obsessive :sweat_smile: go to sleep

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Finishing day #1. The cravings are highest right now before bed. But I’m proud - it’s the longest I’ve gone without in a very long time.


I would suggest you search for threads relevant to yourself, I see you joined here 23 hours ago but have only spent five minutes reading so far. I read for four or five hours on my first day here and I havn’t used drugs since. You can do the same. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Indeed it is! I hope he comes out of this with something to think about, I know I will.