* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Sorry @anon13078412 Gareth. I scrolled down this thread and accidentally flagged your post. Now I don’t know how to undo it🙈


Don’t worry about it, it happens accidentally a lot. The mods will just undo it when they get to it. :joy::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Day 388. “Grieving” keeps coming up in the collective consciousness around me. Here I know @Lionfish and others have mentioned it, and Ariel just said it. But with friends outside recovery, too, and so not in the context I would expect. It just wasn’t registering.

So when another friend brought it up today I asked, “What do you mean, ‘grieving?’ You seem fine.”

And they said it’s part of accepting change, even when what we’re leaving behind was horrible. Some part of us inside still mourns for the loss of what was, if only because it was familiar. We seek to bolster courage to take a breath and move on to what’s next, even when it’s for the better.

Like when you’re moving out of a dump you’ve lived in for a long time and see it empty just before you walk out and close the door.


And I realized I was choking up. That some very confusing feelings lately were me needing a chance to grieve, too.

  1. This really made me smile when I read it, thinking “what a sweet thought”. And then it made me laugh out loud when I remembered I have been stung over 100 times. Such a funny way to look back on it.


Day 29. Check.


Day 337 :coffee:
Arrived at 2 in the night in Germany and have to get up at 7 in the morning :confounded:
I need coffee! Loads of it! :rofl:



Hey were nearly sober twins, I’m now on day ninety. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Day 135. Checking in, I wish everyone well!


Day 290 and checking in , have a great day in recovery you wonderfull bunch :grin::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:


Checking in on day 90 :tada::confetti_ball::+1::slightly_smiling_face:


So very cool, Mr. Pants!!!

Why thankyou Cheryl.:slightly_smiling_face:

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1 year ago at this time, I was lying in a hospital bed being detoxed with a blood clot in my lung. I was wondering how was I going to beat this, how was I going to stop drinking when so much of my world was built around it…
1 year later, I’m still wondering. Instead now, its about finding ways to stay busy enough that when temptations do arise, I can brush them aside and move on.
I wouldnt feel right if I didnt say thank you to those of you who have helped get me thru. Many of your experiences have been heartbreaking to read, many more have been uplifting. I’d like to personally mention all of you by name but I’d be awake all night (I type slow) and you already know who you are. So Thank You. You’ve all been an extremely integral presence in my journey.
As always, be well, stay strong and stay the course.


Checking in for day 22 :blush::+1:


Amazing effort that m8. Congratulations :tada::confetti_ball::100::100::100::100::1st_place_medal::trophy::medal_military::medal_sports:


Your smashing it, not long to you have a month inert your belt. :birthday::+1::slightly_smiling_face::grin:

What does TISBS stand for?
I feel dumb :joy::smiley:

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well done! I CANNOT be around drinkers when i’m trying to stay sober.

Day 74. Seven hours of sleep, that’s not bad. Some beautiful and moving stories here this morning to read while drinking my morning coffee. My long weekend started. It will last till Saturday. Stuff to do. Social stuff. Meet up with my bestie today, share a meal with my sis tomorrow, with one of my oldest friends on Thursday. House chores. Read. Exercise. Think about my sober life and take some action aimed at making it better. Stuff to do! Thanks so much for making it all possible everybody. I do it myself but I could never do it all alone. Thanks for being this community and sharing. @funnydad huge congrats on reaching a full year sober. @SoberWalker gotta nick that coffee meme. @Dejavu That’s a great story and you never know where it will lead the guy. Have a great sober day all! Love from Amsterdam.