* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Aha it makes perfect sense now, that’s a cool mantra btw. I’m sick a dinosaur when it comes to ask these abbreviations :joy:
Thankyou, I am proud, I never thought this possible. Oh me of little faith. :laughing::grin::smile:


Beautiful!!! @funnydad

Day 172
Up way too early again. Good thing actual naps have become an actual thing now!
One more :heavy_check_mark: in the positive column for sobriety.

Have a fine, fine day you fine, fine peeps!


We’re twins!

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Checking in for the day! No Drinking today!


At least it wasn’t alcohol. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Chris, great job man! Congrats on your first sober year!!! Big difference, huh? What’s your favorite change so far?

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Day 21. Feeling lost and confused. How do I get the people around me to treat me normally once again? How do I get them to forget the drunk me? Feels like I have too much history.


Through action. Just keep doing what you’re doing, stay sober, walk the walk. It will come in time, trust me…and there will be some people who don’t move on, people who don’t let go of the “old you”, but that is their problem, not yours.
You’re doing great.


Day 437

As long as I can remember, there’s always been at least 2-3 days per week where, immediately upon waking, I am consumed by feelings of sadness, guilt, lack of direction, emptiness, and feelings of being very alone. That last one is the worst part, and probably the strongest. I don’t know where these feelings come from or why they arise, but this morning is one of those mornings. It just feels so awful. I have so much to be grateful for and yet these feelings just don’t let up when they come. How can you feel this way so regularly, when there is so much to be glad about? What else more could I possibly need?
I’ve written about these feelings before and I’m sorry for complaining and/or being a bit of a broken record. This is just the only place I have.

All I can do is wait and get over it. I feel like hiding.


Smashing iiiiit!!


I think the answer you just gave to Positrix applies to yourself too. Take action. Accept you are sad sometimes. Find out what you feel guilty for. Find yourself direction. Find out how to fill the emptiness. If you feel lonely engage in social activities. I know it’s easier said than done and I’m talking to myself here just as well. It’s the paradox of treating depression. The only real way to fight it is through positive action. But a typical element of being depressed is that you (me) find it very hard to do something, do something period, or to find pleasure in doing anything. Still it’s the only way. Do stuff. I don’t think that all we can do is wait till it’s over. Even though at times that can be a solution too. In a way doing nothing and waiting can be a form of action too. It’s just not the permanent solution. Success.


What a touching encounter with your friend. Sounds like you might inspire him to make some changes in the future. Great job! So happy you are doing so well and setting such a great example. :tulip:


Congratulations on your year Chris! :tada:

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The BIG 90 mr. @anon13078412! Congratulations!! :tada:
Well done sir :grin:


Congratulations @funnydad! A whole year! I’m one month behind you, hope to get were you are.
Anything you are going to do to celebrate it?


Thankyou butts, this is much appreciated​:+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations on 90!!!:tada::medal_sports:

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Thankyou rose it’s much appreciated. :grinning::smile::grin::slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 1 sober. @KevinesKay I am so glad to see your numbers growing!!!


Good morning Kairi, how are the twins? How are you?

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