* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Chris, my friend. It’s been a pleasure sharing this journey with you. Thank you.
Well done on the big :100:. It’s inspiring to see this.


Thank you Ariel, just giving what I’m getting from many good people…and I’m still jealous of your lake…

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  1. 11 months sober today :slight_smile:

Geoff my man, your a contractor by trade and it shows in how you build people up in a difficult situation. You’ve shown many of us how to climb out of despair with nothing more then a kind word. Thanks for all you give…Stay the course my friend…keep rocking. :metal:t2::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Checking in day 1. Feeling focused and ready for a big change.


Yoooooo! My feed jumped right past this one.

Heavy metal, Chris! :muscle: :+1: Congrats on one big year, and thank you for sharing your journey with us.

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Mr funnydad, you are a legend, inspiration and source of comfort and humour to me and many others, your daily greeting helps me feel all is right in the world. Happy celebrating your 1 year of being awesome as, keep that s**t up! :star_struck::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::green_heart::purple_heart:


Hanna Banana,
Thank You for being you. If we were neighbors I think we’d be best friends. We share many of the same characteristics, especially humor. You’ve made it easy to be myself and getting to know you is it’s own reward. You are someone I’m proud to call a friend. Thank you for all the smiles you provide but mostly for the strength you exhibit.


Dont do this chris… I dont do crying…


I can really relate to this. It frustrates me because it can come out of no where and with no good reason. This was a big factor in keeping me drunk for sure to escape this empty feeling. I dont know what the solution is either but I’m always happy to talk through these moments and feelings with you. :hugs::hugs:

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Way to kick ass, Chris!!! You were a huge positive influence on me in my first days of sobriety and here we are a year later (3 more weeks to go for me) still rolling along. We may only know eachother “virtually”, but I consider you a friend and am majorly f-ing proud of you. Keep it up, brother!


Eke, my squirrely friend, all kidding aside, you have given me a profound respect for squirrels. I’m glad to be here amongst all the nuts…:metal:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank You Fran,
I’m not about to get into a battle with the Queen of awesome. You my dear lady possess an awesome amount of awesomeness. Keep bringing the sunshine and smiles…


My man Bill’s
A while back I made a joke about golf and excercise and after I wondered if it could have been taken differently than how it was meant to sound. So to clear that up, I suck at golf and get a lot of excercise chasing my shots. It’s good to know you and share the road with you as well. You’re very much correct, Life is better sober.


@TeejLazer - Hows it going bud? You disappeared for a little while; are you still playing the GnR ? :slight_smile:

Thank You Jason, I love writing my posts, keeps me honest and in the right direction…

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Things are good! Getting back on track and all that good stuff. I was about to start doing my GNR project again, but decided it wasn’t the right time. I just wasn’t “feeling it”, and felt it’d be unfair to the other guys to fake it…if that makes sense.

Steady gigging though with my other bands. New (released 2/22/19) album has been moving pretty steadily, so that’s nice!

Well if you’re gonna cry, cry on that new table to give it some spots…


Today is a good day to change you’re life…

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Massive congrats, Chris. Been a pleasure getting to know you. You help make this forum great. Thank you!