* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Maybe it’s just me but it seems like some kinda prize is in order for guessing your favorite word…no?

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Thank’s Tristan, you’ve given more then your share of good here to make TS what it is…:+1:t2:

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Good work bud :slight_smile: Yeah I still haven’t managed to nail the Paradise city solo we talked about lol even with Niko. I actually got in touch with that guy and he does Skype lessons for 20€ an hour which I seriously considered.

Happy to hear you’re in a good place


Stay here with us, Jenna. You are doing the right thing and you are in the right place. You are strong. :bird:


right now will pass.
Push through moment by moment.


Giving in to addiction will put you down more Jenna. Stay here. Stay sober.


Take a breath Jenna. The first 90 days of sobriety are rough and that pulling feeling will come and go depending on the direction you face. Focus on and take care of yourself in your own time and on your terms. :slight_smile:


Day 30 !!! Whoop whoop!!! It feels like everyday is easier, sometimes harder, but the fight is worth it.


Jenna, don’t give up. You can tough it out. You are strong. You have 59 days which you worked so hard for. We all have rough patches. Stay tuned and we will be here for you. :tulip:


Wow. Work was a whole a clusterfuck of fucking cluster. I swear to god these are one of those days I’d be chasing after a drink at one of the nearby bars from my office. Just dealing with dumb clients that are sabotaging their own opportunities but want to act surprised by unpleasant outcomes. I HATE chasing after clients for paperwork. It’s the worst part of my job duties.

***sorry just venting here so I don’t go chasing a bottle ***



Day 9.
Almost in the double digits!
I’m content today. Have a job interview tomorrow so that’s always a win in my books :grin:
Each day is different but I’m trying to stay optimistic through some life trials.


Congrats on 1 year @funnydad Chris. That is pretty damn cool. I tip my fedora to you! Here’s to many more!!



I seriously hope you come on here and use the word ‘clusterfuck’ again


Congratulations on your achievement of one year well done!!


Day 332. I was thinking of changing my little profile pic, but I think of it like branding. That picture has been my “brand” for the past year, why change it now? Will it confuse people? On the other hand, it’s an way to express myself, so who cares if it confuses people, right? This is the sort of thing that is top of mind while I lay in my hotel room waiting for dinner and after conference party.


:joy: Oh boy… just wait on the screwy loosies I have to deal with from time to time. Another one may slip out. :woman_facepalming:t5:

Thank You Dan, there’s been a lot of help here from people in hats, I appreciate all of it. Hope all’s going smooth with the little one…:+1:t2:


Checking in at 7 days sober! It’s been at least a year since I’ve been dry this long - likely quite a bit longer - I have no actual idea :woman_shrugging:. I’ve been feeling strong and focused, but today was not awesome guys! Work stress has me craving a giant glass of shiraz. Petting a dog with 1 hand and drinking water with the other instead, waiting to be happy about it :confounded:


Keep some good food handy and some fizzy flavoured water. It helps.


Day 22. (180 days pot free)

Did a call in meeting last night and had the privilege of listening to someone doing their first step. It was inspiring and it made me somewhat grateful. There are a ton of blessings in my life that I took/take for granted. I was born into privilege and I had a higher power that looked out for me. There were several occasions of foolish behavior that could’ve been crippling to my social life and career. If I fall back to acting out there are some high stakes that I’d be gambling with. Also, my high bottom is something I would like to keep. Lord knows where my addict would take me if I let him have the reigns. Got me thinking that I should reach out to the appropriate moderator when the time is right and do my first step.

Shifting gears, there’s been no contact with my parents since the falling out. It feels raw and is on my mind a lot. At yoga this afternoon I set the intention of letting go. I came away with the understanding that my anger was the appropriate emotion. However, the way I communicated it was not. There was no respect in the verbal altercation we had. I’m not sure how to approach it now. I don’t feel wrong and I still want space for a while. I want them to understand that their involvement in my family will be on my terms. If they refuse the terms I can feel like the ball is in their court at least.