* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Jenna, you have reached a milestone. 60 day’s, this happens every month. Stick with it girl. This too shall pass.:star_struck:


Well done you and @Frantasticooo!!
90 days is awesome!


Day 22. Starting meds today. Feeling a little weird. Reflexes are slower. Feeling sleepy. Need coffee.


Day 2 sober. Starting from scratch. I must grow in my relationship with my Higher Power. I am certain that without it I will not be sober


@SoberWalker I love your posts and comments you are such a positive presence here and very present. Thank you for your constancy

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Thank you beautiful, hope you are ok and last night was better for the twins and mummy x

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Yay, Fran!

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Day 75. Slept long. Still tired. I might be a little bit depressed. Coming into a new phase in my sobriety I think. I feel pretty secure I’m not going to drink. I see no allure in drinking. But what now? Not drinking is abut so much more then not drinking and now the thrill of being sober is wearing off I need to work on that. But can I? Yesterday I ran into the same old patterns and behaviours I’ve been using for 40 years. Is there a chance I can at 53 years old? How can I?
Last night I felt it’s hopeless. I am me and I’m never going to change and now I don’t even have a substance to abuse to forget about it all, even if it’s just for a moment. I don’t want to drink, I don’t want to smoke. I need and want to work on me. I can’t go on like this. I made a start but right now I don’t know where to go. I’ll stay here for one thing. and I’m not losing my sobriety. My drinking days are over. Thanks for being here and letting me vent. Have a good sober day all, especially @Frantasticooo and @Ark celebrating 90 days and @HappyDays on a full year. Great stuff guys.


I know exactly this feeling!!! Its tough. When this happened to me I joined a smart recovery meeting group and that has helped a little. But some days I friggin hate being sober and still as crazy in my head as ever. I think this is were self reflection and inner work comes in, spirtual books and podcasts are how I’m am tackling this right now. And age life experience and wisdom are all on your side to helping you grow out of old unhelpful behaviours, thought patterns. So yes at 53 you absolutely can! Have faith my friend and dont forget to celebrate all the tinest steps in the right direction because these I feel are what will keep us motivated. Hugs :hugs::hugs:

Edit, oh and thank you :kissing_heart:


Congratulations on one year, that’s a great achievement! And now…ice cream :icecream::partying_face::blush:

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The need for more anonymity kicked in last week, so I (A—-k) created a new profile. Attempted to moderate over the summer, but the little voice has returned, sooooo… checking in day 6. Hope everyone has an awesome day :sunny: ~ Ashley


It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You don’t have to have it all worked out yet (ever?).

One day at a time friend, keep your focus on where you are now, deal with what’s in front of you and trust that what happens next will be the right thing because of the good stuff you do today :pray::sparkling_heart:


Congratulations Hunter! :tada:


Congratulations on your 90 days!!:tada::medal_sports:

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Love this :heart_eyes::green_heart::purple_heart:

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Fran @Frantasticooo, Congratulations sweet girl. I am so proud of you. You lift me up and inspire me each day. :kissing_heart::heart::tulip::tada:

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Day 438

Feeling better from yesterday. Thanks to everyone who reached out, you are the best! :blush:
Watching my beloved Raiders on “Hard Knocks” from last night.
Our new TE, Darren Waller – is sober for 2 yrs. Had no idea. 26 yrs old. He had been suspended for all of last year due to violating the drug policy, before we signed him. Can’t wait to root for the guy, honored to have him as our starting TE.


Welcome back, Ashley.

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So glad to have you back, friend :hugs:

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