* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Hey Fran, just got to the office. Stopped for my coffee and paid for the person behind me. It was a little old man! :slight_smile: I cannot tell you what a great feeling it gives you. See, that person who did it for me kept it going. :tulip:


Congratulations all on continuing success. You should be proud of each and every day.

90 days @Frantasticooo! Smashing it!!!

Day 16 for me.

Things are rolling along ok. So much less overwhelm when I’m sober.

I had no idea how tired I was. I had no idea how disorganised I had become. I had no idea how good it could be to breathe and really smile again!

Keep on doin’ it folks!


YAY Hunter!!!

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This is so cool bet that made his week. Well done :+1:

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Checking in day 145.


Day 225. Wishing you all the strength and courage to live this day to its fullest. :tulip:


I feel that way as well. As I was reading your post, I thought about it in way less focused on me which helps me have a more generous perspective. (Ah…the benefits of community).
And it made me wonder whether that what now feeling is solely because we are going forth without the drink coloring our perceptions, or rather an expected response to growing older.
I’m 57, my youngest of 6 is a highschool senior. I’m a grandma for crysakes.
What now, indeed?
I think it’s important for me not to assume that all my negative, angry, or hopeless thoughts are tied to my past drinking, and/or all positive ones to my current state of sobriety.
I’m learning to stop taking life so darn personally for a change.

Cheryl: Day 173



Glad you’re back…whoever you are…


Checking in. Day 155.


Welcome back Ashley!

Have you learned the things? The first time I seriously quit I didn’t commit to sobriety, just getting over the chemical dependency. I knew I hadn’t quit forever, because why should I? Even the 10 days in the psych hospital hadn’t convinced me that this was a life long problem. So I went back out when I thought, “I can handle this now.” Well, three years later I realized I absolutely couldn’t.

So, is it out of your system now? For me, that was necessary, getting that final answer. Now I know, without a doubt, that I’m an addict and alcoholic (or whatever anyone is comfortable calling it or themselves). It’s who I am and I will not let it get the best of me.

Glad you came back to us friend!


Sober twins, unite!


I was thinking about you the other day. Happy to see you back :kissing_heart: I’m on day 6 too!


This is how I felt on day 48 then I blew it (56, but totally look 40​:sweat_smile:). I get more out of people venting so I’m happy you did. Know you are not alone in those feelings and they will pass. I mean, they’ll come back but at least they’ll pass :grin:


I love reading ALL of your posts. They really make me think. They help me. :heart:


I do understand your fear is legit Liv, still this made me smile. With respect. We all have our own fears and insecurities and seeing other’s make (some of) my own seem less serious. Thanks for sharing. Loved your memes but love the rest of what you share here too.


I’m hardly ever in the meme thread anymore, theres just too many to keep up with…and even without your memedom, your posts are still some of the ones I look forward to most!


My mom called and left a voicemail a little while ago and stated they are “guilty on all counts and …are wondering what they can do to fix things.”

They want to schedule a time to talk.

I have to admit that I was spending so much time preparing for the worst that I didn’t figure out a plan for this response. I’m nervous about being able to keep my emotions in check. I want to clear and concise and I don’t want to leave anything out. Also, I’m a bit wary of how the relationship will feel from now on. But time will handle that piece, so I shouldn’t fret about it.


Checking in on Day 10! Let’s GO!!


This is the shift of Mars into Virgo calling to ya’ll. Just wait til the Sun, Venus, Moon all get into V and Mercury! I’m loving it, enough Leo drama :weary: