* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

That’s good news!

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There you are! Lol, I was just gonna check in with you.

Welcome back! :v:

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Jenna, how are you doing today? Sending you hugs. :tulip:

Hello lady, it’s nice to see you here again, I like the new name and clover.

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So… you’re going to be making your own memes nao? :grin:

In all seriousness, Mel, you’ve always posted good, insightful, honest stuff all over this forum. The memes were just a bonus.

Peace and light, twinsie! :v: :heart:


Sending positive thoughts your way. Take care of yourself. Do what works for you to stay on course. You can do this. I will be here if you need to reach out. :tulip:

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Let the funny flow!! We’ll still luv ya!! I think you’ll be missed by the memes but they’ll go on. Maybe you can make a cameo appearance every so often…


@Jennajen täällä ollaan. Älä luovuta, vaikka nyt on paskaa. Niin epäillyttävältä kuin se tuntuukin nyt, se menee ohi. Tulee parempia hetkiä. Pysy mukana, sillä todella on väliä :heart:

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Day 313. After a turbulent weekend, since Monday I have felt fresh, solid and free. Change comes to me little by slowly and things feel good lately. :bird:


There’s a place and time for fun :grin:


So happy to hear you are doing so well Ariel. That made me smile. :tulip:

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Day 10.
Job interview went great, I hope I get a call back saying I’m hired! I’m feeling very happy today and optimistic about the future.


The beginning of day 3 booze free. I just want the fog to lift. I feel so bloody lonely. I hate that I have hurt people and I feel selfish to those who I have told I need space from to work on myself. It’s hard to focus on yourself when you are concerned about hurting someone by leaving them.

I just feel so alone.


Welcome. I promise that you are not alone when you visit here. In the first days and weeks of sobriety, you will feel things in ways you haven’t in a long time. You may have never felt this way. This is your body adjusting to a new type of normal. Hang in there, rest as mush as you can and smother yourself with self care in every way you can. Thinking of you - you can do this.


Day 17. Today is a great day…just because.


Thank you to the whole forum for being. Pretty sure I know where I would be wiithout the support found here


Great to see you Ashley. I did wonder about you a bit, hadn’t seen you much and you know what they say about people who drift away from here.
You’re back now, hope you stick around.:grinning:


Hugs to you Cate. :tulip:

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Inspirational, well done!

Day three checking in. Had some strong temptation today but took my dog out for a walk instead. :grin: