* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

@KevinesKay @TMAC @Mtrav0040 :joy: @Meggers :heart: @anon44659383 @keiti @Eke @funnydad :blue_heart: @anon12657779 Thank you! It feels good to be back and focused.


Day 324!! Feeling great, continuing to write on my blog, ditched the sugar, dairy, and gluten, and getting some exercise in. I really want to get back into meditation - i was meditating daily but have fallen off a bit. Even so, been doing really well!

Also! I heard from Benedictine!! She wants me to send along a message to @Yoda-Stevie, @MandiH and everyone else.
“I am still sober, doing very well, loving life and I am thankful for that every day. Please tell them I have not forgotten them. I am happy, healthy and loving life with my kids and friends. Going sober was a struggle, but the best decision ever” :blush:


Day 137. I went out with my coworkers last night and had a great time. I am so happy I didn’t drink, and am not hungover this morning. It was the first time someone directly asked me “why” I don’t drink during dinner in front of a group.

I told him directly if I have one, it will turn into twelve, and it would be a problem. He wanted to pressure me a bit, but most of the other people said it was smart not to drink and were supportive. So I watched everyone else get drunk and had a really good time just chatting.

I really wanted to go because I think my coworkers are good people and I wanted to spend time with them. Nobody speaks English, so it was an excellent chance to practice Japanese as well. It was tough, but worth it.


Day 9 checking in. I felt an immense, leaden sadness this morning. Hoping tomorrow is brighter…


Many thanks for passing this along. Please let her know that I miss my sober twin!


Day 1 checking in. Really trying this time. I’m so tired of drinking and snorting cocaine and dont know how long my body will keep taking the stuff in. I need to make the change. I’m going to AA tonight and gonna make an effort to do daily meetings and post on this forum daily. Thanks and hope for all the support as I will do the same for everyone else.


Day 38 check in.


Wow, congrats!!! I cant even fathom that number showing up on my screen one day (only 357 to go!). You’re a badass. Keep putting in the work!


981 days. Just got my son his first cell phone. He is pretty jazzed!


Day 4 sober. Feeling good and focusing on the next hour.


Day 1 again. Made it to my 4th AA meeting today,
and two of those were back to back. I dunno but something feels different this time. Cautiously optimistic…


Hey guys im about 98 days sober…
Grateful to be here and sober today.


91 days. Been having some great days lately. And yesterday was at the pub for a couple hours with some family, I was never tempted to drink at all. :+1:


Day 17…tired, hungry and tired. So glad this work week is almost over. Mostly thankful that business has slowed or I’d really be cracking from stress. I reached a goal weight today and my husband was like “way to go, wine down Wednesday!” He replied with a “just kidding” before I could even ask “really?” Guess it slipped from his mind that I’m not drinking. Speaking of slipping, since I have done it so much this past year I’m sure he expects it sooner or later. He doesn’t say it, but that just what I figure. Hope everybody enjoyed a “wine-less” Wednesday.


Day 31. Checking in.


Thank you it wasn’t easy but it gets Easter as you go…now it feels hard knowing I made a year …Ill get through it tho I have no choice but to push on

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Thank You Everyone here’s to another year bless you all :grin:


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. Back up.

Big ups to you and @Frantasticooo on 3 months, and @HappyDays on one big year! You all rock my world. :partying_face: :ice_cream:

(We now return you to your regularly scheduled sobriety, already in progress… :heart: :v:)


Probably does. But do you blame him? I’m sure my wife thought the same after its taken me 2 years of continuous slips and relapses. She’s even said a couple of times that she doesn’t believe I’m not drinking.
But I know. That’s what matters. Honestly with yourself.
Your doing great, just concentrate on you.:grinning:


Day 339 :coffee:
Not awake and I don’t think coffee is going to help today. Late in bed after the long drive from Germany and early out of bed because of work.
But off tomorrow so gonna focus on that :grin:
Have a great sober day folks :heart: