* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 76 (which in my book is the 76th day of my sobriety, so I’m 75 days sober. Might be a bit confusing so might switch to my sober days). Anyway, slept way too short. The dawn was nice though. Remember seeing it like this and feeling this way from when I quit smoking September 2015.
It’s still my long weekend. Looked at AA meetings to go to. Again. There aren’t too many in Amsterdam. Somewhat surprisingly. Might go tonight. Going for a walk now. Have a good sober day all.


Day 180. The app calls it half a year so ill roll with it. Im beginning to find out who I really am after years of hiding away from life. Thanks to everyone here for helping that happen :+1:


The Big Day 5 0, lol! From last week Friday I was absolutely great like my old self then boom from Saturday to Tues/Weds a massive grey cloud with brain & body in over drive of negativity & thoughts, presumably PAWS or just a bit of a bad spell again/Brains readjusting etc?

Tried to keep myself focused, family time, house chores, went for walks, kept up with my yoga & meditation even though felt like death warmed up/sweating etc and trying to keep with a routine.

All in all makes you think no matter how hard it is now, your slowly getting better no matter how much your brain or body plays tricks on you to reach for the pills or whatever, first time in years I’ve only took my sertraline and vitamins/supplements daily, not even a paracetamol, let alone the crazy amounts of tramadol I was taking.



Me toooo! Day 21😁


Day 26 for the win.


So happy to hear this! I miss her and am happy she is well! :heart:

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Checking in on day 53


Tonight will be day 7. Cancelled my plans to hangout with the SO today to get some rest. For the first time last night I had thoughts about selling my home and moving into an apartment, so I can afford to go to day shift. It’s a hard decision, when kids are involved and their dad lives around the corner. But they deserve a happy and healthy mom. Something I’m thinking about. Hope everyone has an awesome day!


Day 3 Sober. I feel very humiliated by myself but humility is a good starting point. Patience, patience I keep repeating to myself


Definitely worth thinking about Ashley! If it makes the difference between you being happy and sober. At the end of the day you have to look at what’s more important to you and your family.
These decisions can be difficult.:grinning:

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Nicely done, @Hailstrom!!!
Good quote (by Peterson) something I need to take to heart. The “years of hiding away from life” have definitely sapped my creativity.

Day 174:
I usually start my days in silence. But this morning I just made the mistake of offering someone-who-shall-not-be-named a morning salutation. A 30-minute diatribe against the world ensued.
It’s interesting to have the ability to self analyze a reaction in myself as it’s happening, and noticing how those reactions have changed over the past few months.

Sober on my mighty sober peeps!


It’s out of my system and I’m now officially out of the “whoa is me” excuses to drink :slightly_smiling_face: Definitely not in denial that I’m an alcoholic and know that one day it could take me under if I don’t quit. Currently working on a few big decisions that would only help with my coping abilities when life gets heavy.


Well done @Hailstrom! Congratulations! :tada:

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Well, only those that follow that thread. There is a whole world of TS people that don’t follow certain threads. I didn’t even realize you and memes were a thing. :smirk:


Day 17. Checkin.

“Strengthening the space between impulse and action”

Love this quote.

Have great days all x


Day 226. One of the most important things I have learned on my journey is self care. I must take good care of myself in order to be there for others. :tulip:


Day 380 or 390something. Not even 8am, and I’m very aware I need a meeting. Cranky, cranky this morning. Pausing and regrouping. Letting go of the reins today. I have no control over people, places, and things. Ready for football season to start. #RollTide


Day 11 here! Motivated AF to keep on with this journey. I’ll tell you this place is one hell of a tool to keep me on track and accountable. The comments you give and the information I gain is most valuable. Also, I enjoy welcoming people here. I give the best advice I can so others might gain some insight and strength to carry on. This community is the best. Have a wonderful sober day everybody!


It’s just a place to rest your head. I’d rather be life rich and house poor than life poor and house rich. You deserve to be happy. While the boys might be upset about the change initially (they’re kids), in the long run they’ll be happy for the time they had with their alert and rested mom. Taking care of ourselves is the best thing we can do for those we care about. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


This sounds like a solid decision.

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