* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Hi everyone, I’m at day 80 today. Feeling strong but today is going to be a challenging day.


Congratulations with that!! :tada:

76 days. Last day of my weekend. Slept long. Last night I went to my first meeting. Made it to the front door but then turned and fled. Typically me. It is a step in the right direction. For me. I’ll go again and if I won’t make it inside the next time I will the one after. Today it’s time to recoup a bit after a really long walk yesterday. See a friend. Have a good meal. Be in bed in time. I feel no need whatsoever to go to Friday night drinks in the bar. Thank god for that. Have a good sober Friday all! @Joy happy birthday! @Vicky1971 congrats! @ifs It’s hard I know but I’m sure you got a lot of friends here James. I met my best new friend in years on the stop smoking website I’ve been on for the last 4 years. Making friends here might be not the primary target but it happens. I’m happy to have met my friend where I did.


That’s all you need to get there! :heart:


Day 5. Yay


Congrats on quitting Bw321 and welcome here! It’s a great place to find support in staying sober. Hope to see more of you. Success!


You’re missing nothing, Dan. 'Tis a grimy place. Been neighbors with it all my life. My GF and I often joke that it would be a gift from above to never have to set foot in RI ever again :joy:

Of course, this is all based on personal experience and opinion…no offense meant to anyone from the Ocean State!


Happy Birthday Joy! :birthday::tada::cherry_blossom:

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Checking in on day 11. Wishing you all strength through the weekend.


Get it Dave! Congrats, that’s awesome. I’m proud of you. Keep up the great work.

Checking in on Day 12. Let’s GO!! It’s Friday and the weekend is coming! Excited cause I have to put all my kid’s stuff together this weekend. Stroller, car seat, etc. 5 weeks from tomorrow! I’m not ready lol!


Welcome! Congratulations on your first moves to a better life :blush:

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Day 18. I’m visiting my best friend who lives a few hours away (rural) from me now. It is here that I last had to reset at 80 something days in July.

They had wine waiting for me and I am happy to report that I was not the least bit interested in drinking it! Looking forward to my clear head tomorrow.

Oh and trying out a shakti mat for the first time. Weirdly nice.

Night all. Congratulations on choosing infinite joy over immediate pleasure. (Put your hand up if it was you that said that here first - I love this saying!)


Day 181. The inevitable crash after a milestone. Just want to get the work day done and get home. Feeling sad, lonely, doubtful, but I knew it was coming and will work my way through it.

Hope you are all doing well.


Day 27. Happy Sober Day!


Day 10. Double digits!! I’ve started telling my social people about my choice not to drink. Of course, they ask why. I simply say, “because I hate how I feel and I need a new normal”…I’ve been shocked at how many people answer with interest and a “me too” (of course they have no idea how bad it’s actually gotten - high functioning alcoholic over here!). Theres alot more no-questions-asked support than I expected, which is amazing…especially considering, “but what about my social life?!?” was a huge mental barrier for me in choosing to get sober. EVERYONE drinks, and everyone seems to love it…or so I thought. Anyone else’s social culture seem to be shifting like this?


Checking in day 147.


Day 227. As I read through the TS threads each day, I find such diverse viewpoints, perspectives, techniques. They have all been so helpful to me. Thank you! :tulip:



Day 8.

Despite being awake most of the night I am feeling better today than yesterday. I had a little Mars square Uranus moment :smiling_imp:

Little rebel decided to work from home even if it isn’t my day to do so. Also calling the pension service to get my papers. The universe has :honeybee: answering my call about whether I should sell my condo and rent. I found a note in my mailbox 2 days ago: an investor is interested in paying cash for my place. So, I’m going to call him to check it out then I’ll call a real estate agent then my bank. Selling and staying here would be awesome.

Productive and clear minded AF


Goodness, I am the exact same way. I rarely get sick, thankfully, but I can get so cranky when I am sick or injured because it’s almost as if my body has failed me, I have somehow failed myself…which of course is not true lol. People just get sick sometimes.

And yeah…hot drinks to “feel better”? No way. Those just make me feel hotter and worse. Hit me with that ice water and Emergen-C on the rocks!

Dr TMAC is going to recommend you get your hands on some alka-seltzer. It is literally a miracle cure for any kind of sickly feeling. Up until 6 or 7 years ago, I thought it was just for middle-aged dads with heartburn after a rough day at the office (thanks, television), but it helps just about everything! Headache, bodyache (thats what gets me), chills, fatigue, that gross sick feeling in your throat, etc…kills it all.

Rest up and feel better, Mel!