* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Way to go! I have a family vacation coming up in November. Yeah that is like 3 months away, but I’m already wondering how I will manage. Stay strong and keep that Desire2Change :grin:

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Day 18. Is it Friday yet?


Day 11.
A little overwhelmed about another weekend. It’ll be my 2nd one sober so I’m trying to organize a list of productive things to do to keep myself occupied. Overall, my mental clarity is significantly becoming better each day. I keep noticing little things that have become better. My energy levels, emotional response, weight, eating and sleep. Sobriety has made me remember how to get high on life and give my full attention to people I love and things that matter. I enjoy learning how to feel my emotions and come out of my shell without a bottle. I am thankful for another day.


Checking in at the end of day 7. Messaged my manager this evening that I’m ready to go to day shift as soon as a position is available. I’m happy to get a second job to help make ends meet if I need to. I calculated the shift differential and that would require 2 extra shifts a month. If this becomes too much I’ve decided that I will put my home up for sale in January or February. Super excited/happy/relieved over this. FINALLY. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m so happy for you, I bet you are so relieved! I might be close behind you selling my home next June :slight_smile: possibly. You seem to be in such a great place in life! :blush:


Checking in on day 44

It’s my birthday today, this will be the second birthday I celebrate sober since I was 14yrs old, the other was in 2008 when I tried quitting(6 months) but I wasn’t ready.

I feel blessed, happy, contented and proud to start my 48th year in a sober state. I’m grateful to my family and you my sober friends for your support which has lead me to this achievement. I’m also grateful for not having any urges or craves for alcohol.


Thank you and YES. Good for you too :blush:

100 days approaching. 100 days of summer. A sober summer :grinning:


Happy birthday @Joy :tada: And well done for your sober numbers :facepunch:


Day 340 :coffee:
When I was in Germany yesterday I visit the island Mainau. It’s a small island in the Bodensee filled with flowers. They also call it the flowerisland. When we were there a plane came over. Someone has being asked to get married! :grin: So cute!!

It made me smile all day! Small things can make my day these days. Like I’m more open to see/ feel them :heart:

If you are struggling, please keep going! It’s difficult to get trough the first weeks and yes bad days will still occur after months of soberness. But a sober life is so much better then a drinking one!


Morning everyone! Lovely weather today- going to find somewhere nice for a walk and to have a picnic with the girls :ok_hand: work this evening. Another happy / sober day


That’s what it’s all about brother

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Happy Birthday, Joy!!!

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Ok but she might want to say no cause that sky is an omen :joy:


:rofl: :joy: That’s because their not married yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Day 138. I finished my job interview, and think it went as well as it could under the circumstances. On my way there at the train station, this old drunk guy started shouting at this little girl in front of her family because she walked in front of him. She obviously got really upset, after being happy just second before. She had no idea what happened.

The dad looked ready to kill the guy, and it happened right in front of me. I was pissed off too, but had to get to my interview and didn’t need to get into a fight. So I just tried to forget about it. It really made me mad though. Don’t drink, ruin your life, and end up some old asshole that shouts at little girls for no reason.


Day 4 sober. Difficult day ahead. I asked my Higher Power to help me to take good decisions and to be guided


I’ve made it to two months. I am so excited to have got this far!
Have a great sober day everyone :grinning:


It’s not your fault! Or if it’s, it’s my fault too in my life :joy: Making friends as an adult is hard. Especially if you don’t have a job/office to go to regularly. I moved 7 years ago and had a job where I worked from home. I did make lots of friends… At the pub. I don’t see them any more.

I have been involved in lots of things and now do know quite a few nice people who are fun to spend time with, but that’s taken time to build up. Mainly through belly dance. And I don’t really see them outside that context.

I don’t really feel like I’ve cracked it so I don’t know if this is what you should do, or what you shouldn’t :see_no_evil: My feeling is try doing stuff you like and see if you connect with people. If nothing else you end up doing something you like! Just keep trying until something clicks. What have you got to lose?

Whatever you end up doing, don’t forget that it’s ok to walk away from things if it’s not working for you.


Congratulations Dave, so pleased that your hard work is paying off and taking you where you want to go!

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