* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Checking in.
Day: 75.

My son is going camping with my Mom tonight. Its nice that they are going to get some one-on-one time. He will have a blast.

My night, not as exciting. I rarely get the house to myself and in the past it would be an immediate excuse to drink.

I plan on making a nice dinner, getting my jammies on (not only for comfort but also to deter any thoughts of going to liquor store, if they should arise) and watching scary movies.

Sending hugs and strength to those who need it today. :heart:


It might end up being a “see how I feel that morning” sort of thing. If I wake up and feel like I can handle a long day of sitting (driving) and then standing, I’ll probably go.

You’ve heard right about him cancelling…hopefully if he does so, it’ll be the day before so I know in advance…I was supposed to see him at the end of 2017 when he finally came to my city, but cancelled the day before due to illness.

Bingo. I think you should go for it. Mine ended up being one of the best things I ever did for myself. Where to?


They still make the fizzy tablets! It’s the only ones I buy. It’s like getting to do a mini science experiment while you’re sick. Creating a top secret elixir to rid you of your ailments.


Day 5 for me
I’m new to this forum
Reading all the advice is really helpful
Keeping me positive
First Friday night sober for a very long time


Amsterdam. I know the city pretty well so thought it’d be comfortable enough. And id like to finally see it through sober eyes rather than a bar window.

Thanks for your help, its what I needed to hear :+1:


We are sober twins! Great to see you here

We all got pedicures and they had mimosas with their pedicures. I respectfully declined! A little voice in my head wanted to justify a drink with the girls so bad. “Its vacation, a mimosa would be so fun, I wish I were like them right now”. Then I just really looked around and no offense but everyone was bloated, overweight, etc… I’m trying to deflate myself as is from my years of drinking. I’m glad I made it out from the social pressure. Still sober. Still feeling good and light health wise. I think this makes Day 27?


We don’t know each other really but if you’d like or need it we could meet up for a tea or something…


You sound fantastic, this is great! :clap::clap::clap:
Those little improvements get bigger and better and overtime, your recovery builds its own momentum.
Get proud of your sobriety.
Get greedy for it.
Get competitive about it.
Before long, you’ll love it. :+1:


Checking in day 381 happy Friday.


@yomomma - I’m so glad to see you again!


Dude. Morrisy. Queens. Do it!!!

Seriously though - might a train be better than the drive? I’m so jealous. Sounds like a great night.


I missed a check in yesterday. And I decided that it’s not a good idea for me. I should check in everyday. No exceptions, no getting complacent.

Yesterday, I had a bout of the “without porn” blues, watching all the people out in the street last night wishing that my fantasy world of sex was not a fantasy. Didn’t last long. As soon as I came on TS, my senses returned. Sober is better. Day 157.


Day 5 for me. I’m struggling a little bit but it’s not too bad. Just feeling ancy. I usually drink on Friday or Saturday, not both days because I drink so much on the one, I’m very sick the next day or 2. I want nothing more than to break this cycle. I don’t really even feel like drinking, it’s more anxiety I guess. Or more like I feel like I should be doing something. This to shall pass, I just don’t like how I feel right now.


Day 40 check in :v:


Wow man! 157 days is huge.
Sounds like you’re getting pretty good at navigating the pressure.
I can’t imagine what it’s like.
You’re a champion. Bravo!


I know how you feel.
When you remove drinking completely, you reveal all these little voids in your life and they’re all over the place. All those different moments where /when you used to drink.
I have so many Pavlovian triggers like that.
I collect them like Pokémon when they come up.


Made it to just over 2weeks and relapsed big time for a couple weeks. Feeling super disappointed in myself but I’m ready to get back on track.


Thanks @MrCade.

Nice to see you back. Best wishes on your legal matters. Praying and hoping for the best for you.

And yes, what I have right now is a huge gift (sobriety) that I should never take for granted. I am grateful. Could not have done it without everyone on TS.

My finances are under a lot of strain.
My house is a mess.
Working 70 hours a week between the 2 jobs. In one of the jobs, I feel my days are numbered.
I get about 5 hours of sleep a night.

And I’ve not felt this serene in a very long time. Thank you everybody.

And now my sober clock says that I’m celebrating day 158. :relieved:


Welcome back @anon64158547. You got another chance. let’s make this one count!

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