* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

369 seems like a good number I thought lol :grin::joy::rofl::grin::joy:

  1. Happy saturday everyone!

You and @Ark with all the 3s, 6s and 9s. I love threes! :grin:


Day 392. Yesterday’s dangerous mood completely turned around. I had a big deadline due in the morning sending me into a very “woe is me,” stuck on myself spiral.

Then something snapped in meditation setting me on a chain reaction of acceptance and trust and delighted responsibility.

In meditation I saw… me making cookies for the big 4 hour work meeting in the morning like I sometimes do for my meeting-meetings.

It seemed so absurdly right I started laughing. Cuz it would be fine, and wouldn’t it be nice for us to have cookies? This great voice of, “Yo, lighten up!”

So I did. And slept great. Got up early into the office to finish my part like it were nothing. Then tonight went down and greeted people at my meeting-meeting because, dang it, I was glad to see them and be sober.

Love and light, y’all. :v: :dove: :heart:


Day 341 :coffee:
Phoned my tattoo artist yesterday and made a appointment. Decided what I want for my 1 year milestone: a big tattoo on my back! :grin:
It takes a while before it’s finaly there because she’s going to design one according to my wishes. I think it will be something in the line like this one:

I’m so happy I made my appointment! It’s something to look forward to and 8 days after my milestone :star_struck:


Last few minutes of 335 consecutive days without alcohol. 11 months today. Pretty darn rad!

Stay beautiful gang!


Congratulations Dan, you’re right behind me. Glad to know you are watching my back :wink:
We are heading the 1 year milestone! :tada:


It’s hard to believe it’s been this long already! Congrats to us!



Day 176
Missed yesterday’s check-in.
My knee swelled to incredible and incredibly painful proportions Thursday evening. Couldn’t move it, couldn’t sleep, lots of tears.
Had it drained again yesterday morning, but it’s still f*cked. Got a prescription for an MRI. Just gotta come up with the big bucks.
Hub offered to get me some tequila. It didn’t even occur to me that that was the answer. And it didn’t even piss me off anymore that he offered. So there’s that.
Have a fabulous sober weekend you fabulous peeps!


Hey guys , checking in day 294…missed the last couple of days due to some unforeseen stress in the workplace and I’ve been consumed with that going on…anyway it’s the weekend I’m only in work today then it’s a week off and a trip to the zoo :grin::grin::grin:…have a great weekend in recovery you wonderfull bunch and remember 1 day at a time :heart::heart::heart:


Checking in on day 45

I had a great birthday yesterday with just my family (brother and daughter) thanks for your wishes @SoberWalker @sprinkles @keiti @mno @Rose14 and all my sober friends. I did not drink.

I forgot I had a wedding invite in the evening. Normally I’d have started drinking at home 2 hrs before the party time so by the time I got to the wedding I’d be more than buzzing. Not yesterday, I took my sober self to and from the wedding. I thank the good lord for this and all the encouragement I’ve been getting for this strength.

Have a sober Saturday everyone.


Ethan and Mom (Grandma).

Checking in.
Day: 76.

I’m so happy that they are having a great time together and can share these special moments.

My parents have separated since last October after 40 years together. Mom has her own apartment in a different small town many miles away.

My Dad has been a mess. He retired from his great, well-established job early and has been learning to fend for himself.

I feel sympathetic towards him and also try to see this from my Mom’s point of view. I just wish things would go back to normal.

I had a good night. I made a nice dinner, and watched movies. I wasnt tempted in the least to drink (which is a first) with the house to myself.

With the little man gone it gives me a chance to deep clean his room. That is on the agenda for today.

School starts in a week. Hard to believe. Hoping for a better year this year in that Ethan applies himself more. He is a very smart child just doesnt do his work to the best of his ability. New year, new opportunities.

Anyway, enough about me…

Sending hugs and strength to those who need it today. :heart:


Have a sober Saturday everyone. :grinning:


Day 5 Sober. Today I am going to see a friend in the hospital.Alcohol has destroyed his life but he accepted AA. His health is really bad. Please pray for him.
I am glad to be able to lived a difficult day without acting out.
Love you all


Few pics from this mornings walk. Enjoying the last days of summer!


Sorry about your knee, wishing you well and a timely alcohol free recovery.

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77 days. 11 weeks sober. The weekend’s over for me. That’s OK. Summer has returned. Whatever the weather I don’t need or want to drink. Life’s so much better without any booze or other drugs. Here’s to another sober day. Sober love from Amsterdam.


Happy sober Saturday twin :blush::sunglasses:

Edit your pictures look stunning, I dont know why I thought you were a city boy.


Good morning on day 600 :partying_face::fist:
Have a beautiful sober saturday friends :hugs::kissing_heart:


The mat was at my friends. Just thought I’d give it a whirl. She said it was $25 Australian dollars on eBay. It was kind of weirdly like a lying down massage :slight_smile:

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