* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Joo tässä on niin monta asiaa pelissä. Koko psyko fyysis sosiaalinen paketti.

Good to hear the therapy is starting :+1::+1::+1:

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Day 139. Thinking about real friends today.


600 days!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :heart:


Cheers Fran! Hah, I’m barely a Londoner only just within the greater london boundaries. Get the best most of both, close to the city but also plenty of green!

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23 for me too. Still feeling weirdish, kinda detached but calm. Going to more meetings than before, and got 1st “serioud” sponsor. Being more proactive with my health. Learning adulting for the first time ever in my 55 yrs!


Thats really nice of you thanks. Ill PM you :+1:

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Day 19. Well today, I did something I have never done before. I volunteered at a Country Music Festival :cowboy_hat_face: It is a large 4 day rural music event. I worked the gate and issued arm bands. After my shift, I went and watched the talent competition and had lunch - sipping happily on a local made cordial. Was a tiring, but incredible day.

Sending happy sober thoughts to all. I have come SO far because of you all.


600 club yay you!


That sounds perfect :blush::sunglasses::+1:

Look at you go! Congratulations!



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Day 81. I thought yesterday was going to be a tough day and it ended up being a pretty awesome day. I’m not a super religious person but there was a definitely a higher power involved. Have a great day everyone.


Checking in Day 6

My first time “checking in” here. I think I should try to make this a habit as I do well with accountability. I had a few slips (well more like conscious decisions to drink). No benders/large amounts consumed but that doesn’t matter. It’s still drinking. I did 21 days then camping happened. I’m not going to camp anymore this year, as my hubby is not on board with abstaining around me. Last night was hard; my aging father has relapsed HARD. He’s still grieving my mums death; he’d been a “functional” drinker their whole marriage (well maybe not functional as it affected their marriage greatly). Now he has no reason to stop. He’s halfway across the country so it’s hard. I feel helpless, and he lives with my brother who has some mental health issues, so it’s hard on my bro). Talking to my brother about how bad dad is drinking almost triggered me to drink. Isn’t that ridiculous? “I hate you booze! You ruin everything! But I want to drink you to numb my feelings”. But I avoided. Thanks for this forum and you inspiring folks for making a difference :pray:


It seemed so absurdly right I started laughing. Cuz it would be fine, and wouldn’t it be nice for us to have cookies? This great voice of, “Yo, lighten up!

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness - this post set my whole day off to a happy start!!! Days are always better with cookies. Well done @eke!


Thank you!

I keep reading where you say get proud, greedy and competitive for sobriety… I’m going to remind myself that every day!


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Day 13 today!
Almost at two weeks… I have no words :sob:

There have been hard days but the good ones out weigh the bad. I’m mind blown at how much alcohol was destroying me internally and externally. The benefits of sobriety are much greater than what I ever expected and its exciting. Life is so much better without alcohol :blush:


3 years 8 months life’s great just release from dept of corrections !!! Going to dc next week for oxford and giving back anyway possible. We do recover


I’m 55, so pretty close to soba twins!


So happy to have you back. :heart:

Checking in at day 11. The second Saturday in a row that I’ve woken up without a hangover! All those things I told myself “I’ll do that on the weekend” are ACTUALLY going to get done! I get giddy doing errands and chores strictly because I’m not too hung over to do them for once Haha! Who knew it was that easy to be happy about cleaning your car and pulling weeds?

I have a party to attend tonight. My first sober outing. There will be booze, and people I don’t know. I’m trying not to over-think and get myself anxious, but it’s definitely on my mind. A friend really wants to go together, but I’d like to go alone so I can Houdini right out of there if it gets too much. Not sure how I’ll navigate this one, but I will figure it out and check in again tomorrow - without a hangover!