* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Missed yesterday’s check in, but I am checking in today on day 66! 3 months ago if you had told me I would be 66 days sober In less than 3 months time, I would have never believed it. It’s amazing how I was able to turn this around without going to meetings, without a sponsor, while living In a home with active users, and a dealer that I used to buy from. I tell this story weekly in a group I attend and people cannot believe how I got sober in sheer willpower alone. I would never recommend it, but I didn’t exactly have a choice. I start work again in a couple weeks, once I get first check I buy a car and can then do much much more like hiking and being able to make in person meetings. Some day I want to be a sponsor or life coach, I’m a great Manager and would love to take a stab in social services and helping people with addiction problems!

Stay Strong



You replied to me by accident haha but you are still new, and I’ve done this a few times myself.

Good job though thinking straight !

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Oh, ha ha! I’m new but only this time around :blush:


Day 9. Having my breakfast at Tim Horton’s, hoser style :rofl:

This morning while walking here I passed dog shit someone hadn’t picked up and someone parked in my spot (I don’t have a car). I immediately started scenarios in my head of telling people off even though I don’t know who did what. Caught myself and I’m thankful I’m able to turn my mind off now. Well, kinda


Good stuff Joy. I’m going to a wedding tomorrow and that will be me as well. Taking and getting my sober self back from the wedding. :grin::muscle:t5:

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Checking in for Day 28. My will power to remain sober throughout this vacation is definitely a confidence boost and I’m not only gifting myself with sobriety but a sense of pride. I feel better at the end of the day when I come to the conclusion that I did have the audacity to choose what was best for me and my future and not what seemed to be fun at a moments notice but detrimental to my overall well being. Just remember, that drink isn’t worth it.


Day 4. Just woke up and already craving a fucking drink. Pardon my French but honestly dont know how I’m gonna make it all FUCKING DAY. Sending strength to those who need it.


He’d probably cancel anyway :joy:

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Ha, right! Been the victim of him doing that before. Maybe he’ll make the decision easy for me :joy:


Take it hour by hour, minute by minute if you have to.

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Teretulemast :blush:

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Day 316. Early morning meeting, then fished with little niece and nephew. Now sitting on my couch in my underwear eating leftover mac & cheese out of the pot. #livingthedream


Day 6 and feeling fine. Have a great Saturday sober fam


Day 393 as well. Should probably quit goofing off here and finish packing. Looking forward to some reading time on the plane. :v:


Day 41 check in.Ready for Fall.Grateful to be Sober


Are you going on vacation?

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Work! :nerd_face: I’ll be rising with the EU crew the next week.


Day 416

Im burnt to a fucking crisp in Spain. I can only wear vests and sweating is agony :joy: in the past I would have drank to numb the pain. Now I’m doing the sensible thing and staying out of that big bastard orange thing in the sky.

My daughter is struggling tonight with being away from her mum. Night 5 of 7. My heart is absolutely breaking for her as nothing I can do can help her. No amount of phone calls home is sorting it and I can’t help but think if I wasn’t an alcoholic we’d still be together as a family and there would be no missing anybody on this holiday.

It started off ropey, went great for a few days, now if I’m honest I cant wait for us to get home. I want my daughter happy and I want my AA friends around me. If just only for a bit of moral support :pensive:


Hope you feel some support from here Nick. You have mine anyway. Apart from thinking what a typical Brit in Spain you are with your lobster coloured body :sunglasses::joy:Hope your daughter can enjoy herself tomorrow. As well as you yourself. Hope you can sleep tonight with the sunburn.