* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Would it even be a holiday in Spain if it didnt involve over doing it in the sun?! :joy:

I dont know your story but it sounds like this holiday has been a pretty big step for everyone involved. It might have been tough in places but if you’re a drunk like me then there is probably lots of screw ups to make up for and it sounds like you’re doing a great job of that with your child. Sending you lots of support and positive vibes.


Is the Y basically a community centre? Yes church will definitely be a good opener to a big network. You migh find there are people closer to you who you can either go with, or are involved in other stuff closer to home. Sounds like you’ve got it covered and you’re doing all the right things! Dog park is a great idea because you get to speak to people and get fluffy cuddles! :dog::sparkling_heart:

The only other suggestion I could make is finding somewhere to volunteer. My experience of volunteering has been mixed, I think finding the right thing to get involved with is important.


Hope you’re okay and got through the worst of it.

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Day 0 again. I want to be honest and transparent. It was my total fault.
Starting again and trying to not lose hope


Checking in on day 295 …climbing that mountain people …one step at a time :heart:


Not me! On my way to Germany, on our way over Greenland now almost. Sleepy and watching movies. :wave:


Aha! Have a safe trip!! 🙋


Hi @Desire2ChangeToday ,hope you managed to stick to the smoothie. Stay strong stay sober.


Right there with you, I once had 15 yrs, now at 24 days. But what’s behind doesn’t matter, only today.


You’re here Thomas, that counts! :facepunch:


Checking in for day 27 :blush::muscle::triumph:


Have a good trip! Is it work related?

  1. Slept OK. Working Sunday. Off tomorrow. Very grateful for all the support I get and got here. Learning process for me. I don’t have to do it all alone. All alone doesn’t work. We’re in this together. Indeed being sober is about so much more than being sober. Thanks for being here all. It helps in all sorts of ways and in different parts of my life. Have a great sober day all.

Day 94…Cake metaphor of the day…

Add strawberries you beautiful sober lot :strawberry::strawberry::cake::cake::kissing_heart:


Definitely safety in numbers :wink::hugs::green_heart::purple_heart:

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Good morning little Miss Sunshine :slight_smile:

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Haha definitely Brit abroad without the alcohol. Woke up at 2.30, 5 and 7am. Feel like I’ve had a night out anyway without the ale. Can’t lie flat or on my side sleeping like a run over tortoise :rofl:


Nice one Tom.
Your doing so well mate, this marks 9 months buddy.


Think there’s overdoing it then there’s the state of my back. Looks like I was renting an apartment in Hiroshima during the war. Silly boy :rofl::rofl:

I need to get out of self and off the pity pot. The pity dick is very much lodged in my mouth and today I’m going to take it out, take my own advice, but my big boy pants on and sort myself out. There’s two days of holiday left and they’ll be fucking enjoyable if it kills me (not really but you know what I mean)

It has been a big step, one I probably won’t repeat. Spoke to my sister this morning and she’s suggested next summer we get a villa with all the kids together instead of trying to do things on my own, which I think is a great idea. My self will is a load of shit, even with the best intentions, it’s a load of shit :joy:

Roll on Tuesday, but until then it’s Step 3 and Step 11 prayer, Just for Today card and serenity prayer for me. The support on here and having somewhere to turn to at an hour of need is an absolute godsend


Day 601
Sunday noon, I am watching a documentary about UFOs (what else lol) and wait for my buckwheat bread to be ready. The smell is incredible :heart_eyes:
Woke up with a bad pain in my back again, I think I really need a new mattress soon…or I’m just getting old.
Great to read so many milestone stories here, makes me so happy that more and more ppl become healthy again.
Keep on doing the sober thing folks, it’s so worth it! Happy sunday :kissing_heart::hugs: