* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Checking in. Day 1 again. I’m embarrassed to say that again, but I have to start somewhere.
Have a sober Sunday everyone.


Daily check in but I’m reseting back to day one. I lost. My addiction is dominating me.


Great numbers tom. But not only numbers not only abstinence? Do you feel sobriety dresses you well like i do? Dont be sad, look on the bright side cause this moment is all we have. Day by day, you make it. We make it. Together. Youre awesome, did u know my friend :slight_smile::hugs::sun_with_face:

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@nick_1985. Aspirin and aloe for that burn. As a redhead, I’ve had my share of painful sunburns. Get the most out of the rest of your holiday!

Day 177
Knee swelling is 8/10, pain 5/10. Disheartening feeling 10/10.
Before this knee went to crap, I was always up early, 5-15 mile bike ride before the gym to lift, then usually a 5-10 mile skate or walk in the afternoon plus some swimming.
This past year and a half, I’m lucky if I can count on walking the dog, or even getting around the apartment.
Since I don’t have a car, that means I am essentially stuck inside constantly.
I’m actually pretty surprised/impressed with my sobriety considering the often unabated pain, and monotony.
On the plus side, I can critique a sh*t ton of TV shows if needed.
Happy Sober Sunday to you my Sanity Savers!


Havent checked in for awhile. Day 321. Was among drunk people last night and didnt miss that stuff at all. Its good to be sober. This is a good day and next week will be fantastic after couple of challenging weeks. My sobriety is strong. But gonna have to pamper it more with groups and reading my aa books. Love u all stay strong :facepunch:


Did we miss your 300 Hanana? Congratulations.
You settling in to your new place ok?

I like that phrase ’ pamper’ my sobriety. Thank you!

Aww, that sucks. Is there anything that can be done for the knee?

I dont know geoff :joy: i count only months. That suits me. Settling and not settling. Cause im not handy with drilling i lack pictures, mirrors & shelfs on the wall and some curtains, plus window shades. But im patient, maybe santa clause or nuuttipukki will do the job :thinking::rofl:


Day 82. Feeling a bit unsettled today. But it’s Sunday and I get to spend it with my family, so I am grateful. Have a wonderful day everyone.


It needs replacing, both actually, but one more desperately. I sported them to the point of mutiny it seems.
But we don’t have insurance, nor the 35K (for just one) to throw at it. ~sigh~
I know getting old is better than the alternative, but damn, it’s a bitch sometimes.

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This struck a chord with me and the journey that is sobriety.

Happy coddiwompling sober friends :sunny::pray::sparkling_heart:


I did. Thank you for inquiring. I am on day 29 today. Today is the day of the wedding!! Wish me all the luck.


I did Joy. I’m very relieved I made the right choice and woke up sober. Even a taste without getting drunk would have made sad and disappointed. I’m glad I had that juice in my fridge for a moment like this. I asked myself which would be better for me? This green juice of life or that liquid of death/poison. 29 Days today!!!


Day 229. Hope you all have a healthy, happy Sunday. :tulip:



Day 317. Today is a great day to be sober. I’m grateful for the abundance in my life.


But you’re here, so that’s big. :hugs:

Time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the horse :two_hearts:


Thank you so much. :kissing_heart:


How are you doing???