* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Checking in for day 9 :v:


Totally with Ark here. Drinking will make feeling bad much much worse. Thinking it will help is your addicted brain talking. Don’t listen. Stay sober today.

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Hang in there and take it easy. Just one day at a time…

I’m checking in on day 141.
Yeah, I was craving throughout the night. Still times when I really dont want to surrender this over to God.
One day at a time, though. My life is much better without my fix.
Thanks everyone.


Kevin, you are doing great buddy. Keep on trucking


Checking in on Day 14. Nothing too crazy going on here. The usual band practices, show this weekend. Making a major purchase for the home gym on Saturday, which is exciting…but yeah, just taking it one day at a time.

Have a strong day!!!

Edit: according to the app, I’ve hit 15 days…I’ll take it!!


Day 11 …Love how I’m feeling. No desire to drink.


Checking in on day 49, not much going on today going to watch a few movies that I’ve been meaning to see for a while.

Hope everyone is doing well and on the right paths to recovery!


Day 299. Grateful to wake up sober today :bird:


Thanks @TMAC.

I’m doing some good things.

Trying not to crave alone (thanks @Wunderbar).

I’m on TS A LOT.

Been staying true to my boundaries; accepting that I’m still weak and I shouldn’t make changes because if it works, don’t fix it. Makes things inconvenient at times. For instance, my square app password expired. And I couldn’t reset it because I have no access to the internet this morning. I had to wake up my wife to use her phone to get it fixed. I needed the app for my gig tonight.

It worked out. My car just broke down on my way to work this morning. Waiting for a tow truck. “Sigh” :sweat:


365 days alcohol free. Happy Wednesday.


My car is in the shop today, too. 2nd time in 2 weeks.

First time it turned out there was a mouse nest in my air filter. So that was a relief, didn’t cost anything to fix aside from the new filter.

This time I don’t think I’ll be as lucky. I’ll know later today what the damage will be. Hoping for under $500, whatever the problem is. My Dad and I couldn’t figure it between the two of us (he worked on cars in Ireland for years).


Yeah happy birthday Steve :hugs::+1::heart::partying_face::icecream:

Congrats, what a wonderful day : )

Wahoo great news! :ice_cream:

Checking in on day 38🙂


Steve!!! Great job my friend!!! Congrats on your one year!!!

What’s your favorite change right now?

Nice one Steve! :grinning:

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Day 3 sober. I started a pilgrimage with friends. I feel relaxed and hopeful.


On day 3. Just passed 60 hours. Woohoo! Haven’t been on here much since Feb when I had 12 days. Yesterday instead of getting wine I washed my car. First time in over a year. Felt good. Day 3 or 4 is usually when I feel so good that the addiction says hey why not celebrate. But not today. I’ve got my day planned out to keep me busy and if I feel an urge I’ll go to a meeting. Altho I’m not pursuing that route as a ongoing thing (yet). Anyway just wanted to get on here and continuing reading and counting! Love this app