* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

But you’re here, and that’s what matters.

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@SoberWalker thank you for asking :blush:

Checking in on day 12, sans hangover! I felt awkward, but the party last night was fun! There was ALOT of booze…all free…but the host made me a couple of delightful mocktails to sip on, and I ate WAAAAAY too many snacks lol.
I hid the level of my drinking from everyone so well that no one understands why I’d just up and quit. Theres a few ppl convinced I must be pregnant :woman_facepalming:. No thanks, I will not “just have a sip” to prove I’m not preggo…y’all will see in 9 months when I dont have a child (and I’ll still be sober anyway).


This is the right attitude. Let others think what they will. You can’t control that. You can only do you.
Good for you, day 12 :grinning:

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Day 28.

Yesterday was productive. Lots of work to be done before our housewarming party in a few weeks. Gonna hit it again today.

Went fishing with my brother and my son yesterday. Nice calm and clear evening. I really enjoyed myself and got a great dose of fresh air. We didn’t catch a thing but the snacks were plentiful so it kept the 4 yr old occupied.


Checking in on Day 67. I have been practicing lucid dreaming and meditation the past few months…well 67 days lol. Last night for the first time ever I was able to easily talk to myself mid dream and tell myself to wake up, and I woke up. Its almost impossible to describe how and why I was able to do it, but the amount of practice ive put it has much to do with it. I highly highly recommend meditation especially in early recovery, it will open your mind up to things you never thought were possible. I myself spend 15 or 20 min in the morning, but then an hour at night and I often fall asleep listening to a night time meditation on lucid dreaming and when you are wearing headphones in your dream and can tell yourself to take them off, then wake up and do the same thing…just wow


12,024 meetings make is easier and possible keep on trucking


Day 10. Up at 4 am and now I’m going out to enjoy the rest of my Sunday. Hoping for a solid sleep tonight. Oh, and look!


Woop woop well done! Good luck today

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Awesome!!! So jealous, but I guess I have a lot more time to put in…working for the retirement #!

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I’m so happy, you have no idea. I was going to wait until next August but I no longer have a tolerance for upper managements bullshit. I’m 56, time to fly


A bit antsy today as hubby off with friends four wheeling & likely drinking. Took little man out for cupcake at local bakery & bought myself fresh cut flowers at farmers market. Going to make banana bread & homemade burgers soon


Day 24!!!


Checking in day 149.


I hope everyone’s making it through the weekend OK. I’m feeling pretty damn good about this milestone.


Congrats @MrCade!!!

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Yes yes yes MrCade!!! Good to see this my friend!:star_struck:

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And you SHOULD feel good about this milestone! Spectacular :tada:


Thank you for your honest thoughts. I’ve been sober four years and nine months. I abused prescription drugs also – I got sober after coming off a whiskey and Vicodin binge. When I first got sober my psychiatrist put me on Xanax which I think was necessary in my case. I am still tapering off of it now – down to 1 mg per day. I’m not trying to give you any advice - just sharing my experience. As my psychiatrist said to me, “getting sober is really hard. That’s why most people can’t do it.” And you’ve done it. I have too - although it’s very hard to be proud of myself. I hope you are proud of yourself also. I wish you the best and thank you again for speaking honestly. It helps me remember why I stopped drinking.


Woop woop!!! THERE IT IS !!!

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If you don’t give up, you will get sober. Very few people get sober on the first try. Keep it up – and congratulations for continuing the fight!