* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

  1. Check.

Day 328! I had my first gig tonight - 3 hour debut!! My boyfriend on percussion and our wonderful friend on guitar and I sang. It was a great night! I had an amazing time and I can’t wait to do it again!!


95 :facepunch:


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: that’s living!!! You’re goals!!! Congratulations!!


Whoop :tada: Whoop :tada: Welcome to the 300 days club @MrCade!! Congratulations!! :star_struck:

Hope you feel better today @Jennajen :heart: Keep going, you only need one time to let it stick.

@anon44659383, 56 years old and then retired? Wow! How young! I wish I could…

Hi and welcome @Andi20 on this great check in tread! :facepunch:

3 weeks @Quitter02, congratulations, well done Kal!


Good morning, all! Hi, @SoberWalker. :grin:

Day 394. Off to run the social gauntlet of the work conference, sober. :facepunch: :partly_sunny:


Day 343 :coffee:
Had a great day yesterday: nice weather and relaxed environment. Did a citywalk wich showed us our streetart wich our city has many!!

The streetart has subjects from history fact’s that had happen’t long time ago. It’s funny to visit my town like I’m a tourist! :grin:
And for today? Work ahead! I need to be retired too I guess…To many years to go! :thinking:


Wow danny boy! Congrathugs from evil twin :smiling_imp::hugs:

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Goodmorning @Eke!


By the way Shay, thanks for getting Tag Team stuck in my head today. I’m actually still hearing it, as I try to fall sleep. :weary:

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Congratulations on the awesome milestone!

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Day 21. Sobriety is the best feeling. :heart:


Welcome @Andi20. Well done on making the best decision of your life.

@Quitter02, just a thought here. Do you have to go to the pool parties for labour day?

  1. My day off. It’s another warm one. Not sure what to do today yet except relax, cook, stay sober and be happy with that. Going to try to go to a meeting tonight, a Dutch program called zelfhelp. No God involved with makes it simpler for me for now. I’m going to make it a good day. Hope you have a great week all. Love from Amsterdam.
    @SoberWalker Always nice to be a tourist in your own town right. @Andi20 Welcome & success! This site means the difference between failure and success for me. Hope it can be for you. @Brookiemonster618 3 hours! Tha’s longeviety lady. Looks like you had lots of fun, congrats on your debut! @MrCade 300 days is awesome Sir. Congrats.

Day 3!

Grateful for my dog Bella this morning as shes always there hogging the bed when I wake up and I never actually pay attention to that fact.

Just downloaded this app about 20 minutes ago and I’m already grateful for everyone on this.

Have a beautiful day xxx


Day 296 and checking in, just a quick one today…week off work and off to the zoo today…have a great day in recovery guys :heart::heart:


Welcome @Olivia_Grace !!

@Jenyoyo You got right back up, owned it, not wallowing in it. :muscle:

Day 178
Nothing to report so far this early Monday morning.
Have a lovely day, y’all!


Day 2 checking in. Busy day at work coming up. It’ll be good to be busy and productive. It was good to wake up without a hangover this morning. I get to feel this way everyday. The only thing is, I just can’t pick up that first drink. After that it’s all over and I know it. I did have a stretch yesterday afternoon I really wanted to go get a bottle of wine, but came to this and the women for sobriety site 4 support. It worked . I’m sober this morning.
Thanks all of you for being here. Have a peaceful and sober day.


Thank you for the shout out!
Starting day 2
Have a good and peaceful day!

Well done for reaching out when you were craving. This is the hardest part, working through them. Your alcoholic brain is trying to keep you drinking. It doesn’t want you to stop.
I found it very hard to fight in the early days, a constant mental battle.
It does get easier the more you do it. You can look at it as flexing your sober muscles.

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