* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 16 today! Let’s GO!! Happy Sober Tueaday everyone. Have a great day!


Amanda, you are doing marvelously! We are here for you ALL weekend. I spent a lot of time on here yaking away with folks on weekends (well, everyday) in my early days. There is ALWAYS someone available for support, humor, or inane argument about cake vs pie. I beleive in you. :bird:


This meeting is organised by an organisation called Zelfhelp Nederland (no translation needed right), a national peer to peer group for folks with all sort of addiction problems. There were only 5 people last night. They said this was due to the heat, normally there will be between 7 and 15.
There is no big book to work from, just some basic rules. One person chairs. Whoever feels the urge can share a story that has to do with their addiction. No interruptions are allowed, no advice is given. People talk about themselves from themselves. After the first person has told his/her story, all other get their turn to sharem something themselves about the same theme/topic. Again, no advice is given or taken, it should always be from themselves about themselves. Finally the first person can share again, and than the meeting ends. There is a bit of an aftertalk where these rules no longer really apply and a more loose informal conversation ensues, with a bit of advice here and there too.
I do like the format and I will come again. What I didn’t really like was the way everybody but me handled slips/relapses, People that were quit (or said so) for decades but still had the occasional ‘slip’. And they all viewed this as more or less normal. This is not the way I want to handle my addiction. No means no. Not one drink ever. Well, I’m on my own road any way.
I’m not sure how it compares to AA in practice as I have never been in an AA meeting yet. Will try later this week. And tell you @siand


You’re totally right to feel bad about this Jane. This is confidential information and it is unethical at the least to share this with co-workers. BTW, over here in the Netherlands I could simply call in sick to go to rehab. I don’tneed to share any medical information with my boss, only with a special doctor that is vowed to confidentiallity (I’d probably would share this with my manager if I did something like that, I do feel a bit uncomfortable I didn’t share about my alcohol problem yet while it did influence my job in the past. I would totally count on it my manager would keep this information to herself though)


G’morning peeps! Stay sober… just for today.


Thank you so much @aircircle

I will be checking in here often to dispel any urges. Although, in the last 79 days I haven’t had a urge to drink at all (unlike many times before).

I can do this! One day at a time.


@Jenyoyo it is my day 2 sober . I am sorry to know you had to reset but as you said we start this journey again almost together :+1:t5::superhero:🏽‍♂:woman_superhero:


Day 16. Feeling awesome. Off to work.


Thank you Leah. It took me forever to get to this place. I think I will stay. :tulip:


Day 22. Feeling so calm lately. Completely unlike drinking me. Wishing you all serenity and success today.


Day 231. It is still very painful to look back at the person who I was when I was poisoning myself. The worry I caused my family. Each day I am getting to know myself better, feeling more comfortable being just me. I love the way my family looks at me now. Sobriety is a gift I will never take for granted. :tulip:


Day 3. I feel so tired and anxious for some reason.


Day 31. Today I depart from Savannah GA back to Boston. It was a nice trip with the family and it was nice seeing my extended family out here. The wedding was beautiful and a blast and I remained sober through all of it! There were parts og the trip that irritated me but I just let that stuff roll off of my back. I stuck with my healthy eating and didn’t indulge in any of the seafood and tempting meats that were flashed in my face. I sought out vegan restaurants where I could get tasty plant based meals. I worked out at the hotels fitness center at least 3 days out of the 7 I was here. Plus got a foot massage and neck/shoulder rub. He even cracked certain parts of my back! Had some non dairy ben & Jerry’s ice cream from the ben & Jerry store, very delicious. It was a great trip and I am proud of my ability to restrain myself from the "festivities " of drinking because a few months ago I’d have used vacation as the perfect excuse. I’m not a religious person but I did make it the first African Baptist church in north America this Sunday. Shot out a quick prayer for my gratitude and the will to keep moving forward on this path.

Happy sobering folks and until next time.


Cause it’s day 3. Days 3 and 4 I felt like I was hungover. Tired for the first month. Just know this is your body recovering and treat yourself well :blush:


That’s great you had a good trip and did it sober! #SobrietyRocks


Day 302 and I think i need to take it easy on myself. I’m having a hard time and everything feels scary. Things that were once a mystery are coming into focus and they don’t look good. I see that the hard part of my journey is beginning now, as to be expected. The sooner we get it going, the sooner I can put it all behind me, but in the meantime, down here at ground zero; this feels gross.
I’m trying to stay focused on what’s in front of me; not speculating or disasterbating. All I can do is breath, surrender it up and try to change the things that I can for the better.
Thanks for being here gang


I’m sorry you’re going through this scary time. Stay strong.

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Hey my friend, just going to put this here, I bolded the ones that this made me think of:

*If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves." -AA Big Book p83


Thank you.
Fortunately, none of this makes me want to drink. I mean, sure, I have cravings; but they’re fleeting. I still have a lot to be grateful for.


Day 26!!!