* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

WOW, I’m flattered!
Thanks for sharing that with me Tom.
You probably just made my day!


I’m honoured to be in your quote book Tom. Especially if I’m in such esteemed company!

  1. My heads been elsewhere lately-between two jobs, school, my pup needing 100’s of dollars of medicine for his foot and planning our trip to Europe, I’ve been not having the best sleep and not been able to focus much lately.

On the way back from the vet today, I took the turn onto a bridge by my house and scraped the side of my poor car :weary:nothing horrible but enough to potentially total the car as the doors are slightly damage and corner panel dented. I immediately called my boyfriend crying who was skeptical because the last time I got in an “accident” I was trying to get to a liquor store in a snow storm and scratched up my rims. I pride myself on being a really good driver so immediately he thought I had been drinking and without thinking asked me if I had a drink which sent me over the edge. I felt so upset and take aback that the day after I celebrate my six months he questions my sobriety. I get where he’s coming from as it’s unlike me to do such a thing but it just made the situation 10 x’s worse. Anyways, he apologized and said how proud he was of me with my sobriety and to not stress about the car. My father saw me upset and said to not worry about it while my mom got a little too close to me to see if I smelled like alcohol (just a guess but it sure seemed like it). I thought I was past this type of shit. I thought I had proved myself somewhat to not being that old lying crazy drunk. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? I did something I normally would have done drunk not sober but shit…I’m only human…thanks for listening :heart:


Geoff, you smooth talker, you. :blush:


Congrats dear :slight_smile:

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Day 396. Last night my sobriety came up in passing with a colleague/friend at our reception dinner. She nodded and ordered some sparkling water with some fruit juice I’d never tried. It was yum :yum:.

Tonight fellowship halfway around the world. In recovery I got friends anywhere I go now, and they were awesome. The recharge was more welcome than expected (as was the ice cream :grin:).

Did I mention it’s flippin hot here?


Tag team…back again


Why you gotta be like that?

shaka-laka, shaka-laka, shaka oh goddammit


Yay! Congratulations Mel. Soo happy for you. :kissing_heart:


That sure as heck is jarring to say the least. Especially when it’s those close to us.

I’m not sure it’s ever fully past. I know I did a lot of damage in my drinking and it’s been thrown in my face a couple times this year, even when I thought I’d made it right. And it’s fine. I get it.

All I can do is sigh and not drink today.

Sorry about the puppers and the car. :expressionless: That bad s— happens sober or not. Least you’ve got a square head on to tackle it best you can? :heart:




Forever chasing your sobriety date and I love it. It always gives me something to shoot for.


I don’t blame you for being upset :grimacing: Others don’t understand where we’re at and how we’re feeling. Just say your peace and let it go, you have an amazing holiday coming up and you are safe. They will eventually get on board and if they don’t that’s their issue.


I like the idea of a quote book. I’ve tossed around the idea, or “copy & pasting” into my notes app, but I think I like the idea of writing. Might stick better. I’ll do this. SO many inspiring & meaningful words I come across here; great advice, reality checks etc. Thanks!

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I’ve been sober for a couple 24 hours now and I would absolutely expect the same reaction you got. And rightfully so. I don’t have the right to get offended if my loved ones have those thoughts. I lost that right during my 22 years of active addiction


Yeah, was 58 days sober. My wife accused me of drinking. I got upset and well, proved her right by getting shitfaced. A lesson was learnt that day.


Day 44…:pray::v:


339 days sober - When talking to people about your life and they say “Good for you”, that is really just a passive aggressive way of saying, “You’re making choices I wouldn’t make”. :rofl:

Stay beautiful gang!


Sorry about your car and puppers.
Unfortunately, I believe that while our sobriety days are an absolute huge accomplishment to us, to our family and friends it’s not a big deal since they dont (in some cases) suffer from the same addiction. They’ve seen us at our worst for much longer periods of time than most of our sober days and all that hurt and bad feelings can come to the surface easily. Since in reality, 60/90/600 days isn’t really shit in the whole scheme of things. I know I was a shitty drunk for many, many years.

Don’t get too upset though because the best thing to do is keep stacking those sober 24s!!

We’re all proud of your sober time on this app!


There are people out there who will always doubt your sobriety. There are people who will challenge it, people who will ridicule it and then there are those who will support it.

Do not be discouraged to keep adding those days by somones doubt. Wake up tomorrow, look that person in the eye and say ‘182 days :)’. Dont ever feel like you cant stand up for your sobriety … You’ve worked damn hard for it.