* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Welcome! I sue sure did save you a seat - you are a champion!! :two_hearts::bird::v:


Heck yes, Geoff! :100: x3. :facepunch: :sunglasses:

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Holy smokes! Well done!

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Congratulations buddy! That’s a lot of days without a hangover :heart:


Geoff, this is soooo well deserved. You are a beacon for so many of us. Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment! So proud of you my friend. :tulip:


The big three hundo! Nice work bub

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Congratulations @anon12657779 OUTSTANDING!

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6days sober at 12 o’clock tonight!
AFTERNOON :two_hearts:
Had a few good and few bad days. Stressful morning as my dog Bella had left her mess everywhere :see_no_evil:
But I lit a candle and put a 5 minutes meditation on and cried throughout it, but I feel refreshed and alot more better today.

I hope everyone has a beautiful and well wished Wednesday :heart::two_hearts::heart:


Honey, so sorry you are going through this. Is your roommate there for you? You should try to eat something, take a deep breath and just focus on getting through today, don’t even think beyond that. Are you able to get to a meeting today? If you feel like talking, I will be here. Sending you much love. :tulip:




177…going to a wedding this weekend. Already went to my first sober wedding in July and really enjoyed myself. What worries me is that yesterday while getting to bed, looking forward to the wedding, I said to myself: I can’t wait for tasty food and tasty wine. Arghhh…why did I say that? There is no way I will have any. It was just such a shocking thought. It shows how tricky the mind is, because when I said it, I was actually picturing desserts, not wine. A little freaked out…


Welcome my friend :grin: :facepunch:

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Hey Jenna…
I understand those feelings of hopelessness, and I’ve acted on them in the past, unsuccessfully obviously.
Try to eat a bit, even if you don’t want to, even if you don’t think you deserve to (that’s what my head tells me sometimes) and try to sleep.
Napping through the hard moments is not a bad strategy.


Old habits like to pop up sometimes, don’t worry! I allways see them like a nice warning to be focussed even with some sober days under my belt.


Sorry to hear, called in sick for work I hope? Do you not like your work because you concidering quitting your job? Maybe consider seeking some extra help with quitting?


Dilly dilly!! Good work Geoff :slight_smile:


Right on Geoff! Congrats!


Day 232. I noticed something new this morning while getting ready for work. My hands no longer tremble as they once did. I used to worry about the harm I was doing to my body with each symptom that would appear. The healing is continuing each day and I am feeling very grateful for that. Sending extra love out to those of us feeling low today. Today is a perfect day to start the healing process. :tulip:


Mixed emotions at the moment. Leaving my work for a new challenge. I’ve sort of suffered in silence for a long time, settled for hating work and the environment for the safety comfort it provided. Being sober has made me realise so much about life and how you gotta keep challenging yourself with everything. Really enjoying long walks at the moment thinking things through and planning.


31 days. (Over 6 months without pot)

My spouse has been out of town for business and won’t be returning until late tomorrow. I have been keeping myself busy with working out, parenting, my job, and call-in meetings. Last night I took the step to reach out to someone in my state for sponsorship. I get the impression that he wants to get a feel for my dedication to sobriety before he invests himself. I get it. So I will be writing out my three circles tonight after my meeting. If I go a couple of days without a meeting I can feel my sobriety drifting out of focus. I don’t want to allow that to happen so I need to begin the steps with a sponsor soon. Recovery can’t be on the back burner anymore.

I will be taking my son to orientation for preschool today and it feels a bit surreal. I can’t believe how quickly life can pass us by. More incentive to be present in each moment.