* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Helloooo there @anon12657779 ! Happy&proud of your achievement and lucky to have u as a friend :hugs: :heart::pray:

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I red bacon at first and was wondering… well why not,a bacon of our hamburgers. That’s geoff :laughing:


Day 17. Feeling ALIVE today. Wishing everyone strength for another great sober day! We CAN do this! Let’s GO!


Jenna muru, onko ruotsissa mitään meidän a klinikkaa vastaavaa toimijaa? Tai voisitko mennä ensiapuun ja päästä johonkin instanssiin hoitoon? Olisi tosi tärkeää ettet ole nyt vain itsesi tai kavereiden varassa. Sä tarviit apua, eikä sun tarvii pärjätä yksin. Halaus :hugs::heart:


Hahahahaha. :joy: I love Geoff almost as much as bacon.


I’m very lucky in that respect.
The accident I caused, while drunk, flipped a switch inside me. Now I associate alcohol with nightmares and disaster.


Checking in on day 70, wow…70 days. Extremely proud of this accomplishment, I cannot speak highly enough of the folks on this app who have helped but I’m feeling a bit sad this morning. I just wish I had a significant other, family, closer friends, just people in general that I can talk to more frequently about my recovery and how things are changing around me for the better. It’s a depressing feeling having to celebrate small milestones in my head and just keep trucking along. I can count on 1 hand the amount of people who know I’m sober, and not 1 of them have reached out once over these 70 days asking how it’s been, saying congrats, just anything from someone I know personally would really help this journey that I’m already doing alone. Not to take anything away from anyone on here who have said kind words, but it’s so different when you have just about nobody in my “real” life to talk with about this besides 1 time a week therapy.



Oh Jenna. My heart breaks for you. Life is such a big and delicate thing to play with, though i remember many nights doing so myself. Now I believe what they say, that the greatest gift we have is the 24 hours right in front of us.

You have made some big changes lately. I would echo @Fireweed. Is there anyone there who can help outside those close to you? To continue finding the path you are meant for?


Day 4 feeling better today than yesterday. Less alone time tonight so should be good to go!!


Day 17!
I can’t believe how these 17 days have flown by especially when I expected it to drag out… Although I’m sure I will run into a drag out stage and when I do, I’ll be prepared. :slight_smile: I am so thankful for sobriety and I wish I could shout it from the rooftops! :joy::two_hearts:


Kicking ass x300! Great stuff man!


Jenna please don’t give up. I know how you are feeling, I was there once too. There is so much freedom waiting for you on the other side of this. Please reach out on here and in your town and find some help. You deserve the chance at real happiness. Hugs to you.


Hit the one month mark today. :cherry_blossom: One day at a time.


300!!! Great numbers Goeff. Almost there my man…


Day 420 (ehhhhhh :rofl:)

Back home from Spain and back firmly in my little bubble of sobriety for a few days. Hit the gym, got some work done and pottering round the house making a list of jobs for the weekend.

AA meeting in a few hours, can’t wait to get there, chairing my home group tomorrow and doing some step work with my sponsor at some point.

I can look back on my break as a success. My daughter loved it, I’m pretty chilled, I didn’t drink and I didn’t smoke. Came home and the cat is still alive and nobody robbed the house :joy:

Much better planning for next year’s vacation. Few tweaks here and there will be much better. Having a pair of helping hands there so I can get to a meeting or two is going to be amazing.

Really needed my warrior head this week because sometimes thats all we have in that moment. I wouldn’t recommend anybody putting themselves in danger like that


Way to go, Sparky! Now come closer so I can stick a wet finger in your ear


Thinking of you. Hope you find help. Hope you ate something. You are not alone. Big hugs.


Well done @anon12657779 !!! Inspiring stuff :+1:

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We all started with day one. You, too, can have a life beyond your wildest dreams if you stay the course. That’s why I continue to go to AA. They have what I want and are willing to give it to me for free.

Day 664 for me.


Checking in on Day 36!!!
Have a strong day!!!